Beside Bureaucrats: Why Medicare Reform Hasn't Worked

N Bagley - Geo. LJ, 2012 - HeinOnline
… discretion than the agencies that feature prominently in the legal … So understood, Medicare
manages private-sector contracts … rewards hospitals for providing low-quality care if such care …

Big Brother and the Need for a Performance Measure Integrity and Fraud Detection Act

TR McLean - Law Technology, 2009 -
… bonus.” while lowquality providers who cannot be re-… When Microsoft’s Word’s “track
changes” feature is activated, … use reputational incentives perform significantly fewer CABG

You get what you pay for: result-based compensation for health care

DA Hyman, C Silver - Wash. & Lee L. Rev., 2001 - HeinOnline
Private sector payors have spurred similar gains through selective con… after New York
and Pennsylvania issued CABG mortality reports, doctors continued to refer patients to low-quality

[图书][B] Selecting quality and resource use measures: a decision guide for community quality collaboratives

P Romano, P Hussey, D Ritley - 2010 - Citeseer
… the efforts of public and private sector stakeholders that are … Comment: Registries for CABG
surgery have been in place … VA Surgical Risk Study (NVASRS) in 44 VA medical centers, …

Moving the Needle: How Transparency Could Lower Costs and Improve Quality in United States Hospitals

A Russell - 2015 -
… not bear the full brunt of consuming overpriced, low-quality … We need to be wary of
overregulating the private sector. A … to the larger question of how patients use price information in …

[PDF][PDF] Compliance And The Transition To Value-Based Care

D Gersh, T McCrystal, J Romig -
… guidance to ensure that the private sector has the ability to … CMS offered a bundled payment
for coronary artery bypass graft … competition, as payers demand discounts and low-quality

[引用][C] Medical quality management

P Varkey - Theory and Practice, 2010

[图书][B] Tough choices or tough times: The report of the new commission on the skills of the American workforce

National Center on Education, the Economy - 2015 -
… of government and private sector leaders want to use the … successfully implanted the relevant
features of our proposals. These … It would be very hard for low-quality school operators to …

[图书][B] Closing the quality chasm: opportunities and strategies for moving toward a high performance health system

K Davis, K Stremikis, C Hollander - 2009 -
… health care delivery system drives low-quality, inappropriate, and … its care process for
coronary artery bypass graft surgery … , Medicaid, and the private sector, developed a blueprint for …

[PDF][PDF] AHA/ACCF Scientific Statement

HM Krumholz, PS Keenan, JE Brush Jr, VJ Bufalino… - 2008 -
… The attributes identified in this document combined with the … is conducted at the AHA
National Center. For more on AHA … Concurrent with these public efforts, private sector initiatives …