“爱知目标” 后《 生物多样性公约》 履约趋势分析和对策

柴立伟, 曹晓峰, 张洁清, 黄艺 - 生态与农村环境学报, 2015 - ere.ac.cn
柴立伟, 曹晓峰, 张洁清, 黄艺
生态与农村环境学报, 2015ere.ac.cn
2010 年,《 生物多样性公约》(简称《 公约》) 通过了新的十年期生物多样性战略和对应的生物多样
性目标, 即“爱知目标”. 新通过的“爱知目标” 是对过去十年生物多样性工作的反思,
也是对未来生物多样性工作的展望. 综合分析了“爱知目标” 通过前后《 公约》
所通过的各种文件和决议, 以及与会专家就一些问题的专门论述, 认为可以将《 公约》
履约变化归结为履约机制创新不断, 国家层面的履约重点出现转移以及创新资源调动形势3
个方面. 就我国而言, 合理的应对措施包括采取更加积极的措施响应《 公约》 …
2010 年,《 生物多样性公约》(简称《 公约》) 通过了新的十年期生物多样性战略和对应的生物多样性目标, 即 “爱知目标”. 新通过的 “爱知目标” 是对过去十年生物多样性工作的反思, 也是对未来生物多样性工作的展望. 综合分析了 “爱知目标” 通过前后《 公约》 所通过的各种文件和决议, 以及与会专家就一些问题的专门论述, 认为可以将《 公约》 履约变化归结为履约机制创新不断, 国家层面的履约重点出现转移以及创新资源调动形势 3 个方面. 就我国而言, 合理的应对措施包括采取更加积极的措施响应《 公约》 提出的以主流化为重点的新的生物多样性目标的更新, 在谈判中坚持三大目标以防议题多样化造成的议题拖延现象, 以及在加大国际生物多样性工作资金支持的过程中增强我国在资金分配中的话语权等应对策略.
Abstract: 2010 was the International Biological Diversity Year, when at the Conference of Parties to Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Nagoya, Japan, new ten-year biodiversity strategies and corresponding biodiversity targets, also known as “Aichi Targets”, were developed. The newly adopted “Aichi Targets”, which is a reflection of the work on international biodiversity in the past decade, and also an outlook of development of biodiversity in the coming decade. After a comprehensive analysis of the documents and resolutions passed by CBD before and after the adoption of the “Aichi Targets”, and the specific expositions on some issues made by the experts at the conference, it is found that the implementation of CBD can be summarized into three aspects:(1) continuous innovation of the CBD implementation mechanism;(2) shift of the focus of the implementation on the country level; and (3) mobilization of the innovation resources. In the case of China, it is essential to take reasonable countermeasures, which should include adoption of more positive measures in response to the CBDs request of updating national biodiversity targets with focus laid on mainstreaming, insist on the “three major goals” in the international negotiation so as to prevent possible abeyance of topic discussion due to topic diversification; and obtain greater voice in the international negotiation on allocation of the funds for international biodiversity while increasing capital investment inthis topic.
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