Cyber threat intelligence framework for incident response in an energy cloud platform
Advanced information technologies have transformed into high-level services for more
efficient use of energy resources through the fusion with the energy infrastructure. As a part
of these technologies, the energy cloud is a technology that maximizes the efficiency of
energy resources through the organic connection between the entities that produce and
consume the energy. However, the disruption or destruction of energy cloud systems
through cyberattacks can lead to incidents such as massive blackouts, which can lead to …
efficient use of energy resources through the fusion with the energy infrastructure. As a part
of these technologies, the energy cloud is a technology that maximizes the efficiency of
energy resources through the organic connection between the entities that produce and
consume the energy. However, the disruption or destruction of energy cloud systems
through cyberattacks can lead to incidents such as massive blackouts, which can lead to …
[PDF][PDF] Cyber Threat Intelligence Framework for Incident Response in an Energy Cloud Platform. Electronics 2021, 10, 239
S Gong, C Lee - 2021 -
Advanced information technologies have transformed into high-level services for more
efficient use of energy resources through the fusion with the energy infrastructure. As a part
of these technologies, the energy cloud is a technology that maximizes the efficiency of
energy resources through the organic connection between the entities that produce and
consume the energy. However, the disruption or destruction of energy cloud systems
through cyberattacks can lead to incidents such as massive blackouts, which can lead to …
efficient use of energy resources through the fusion with the energy infrastructure. As a part
of these technologies, the energy cloud is a technology that maximizes the efficiency of
energy resources through the organic connection between the entities that produce and
consume the energy. However, the disruption or destruction of energy cloud systems
through cyberattacks can lead to incidents such as massive blackouts, which can lead to …
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