Ketahanan Umat Beragama Dalam Mencegah Radikalisme Di Kota Mataram Nusa Tenggara Barat
This study aimed to determined the resilience of religious people in preventing the
occurrence of radicalism in the city of Mataram. This research used indept interview method,
field observation, and documentation, while data analysis usedgrounded theory design, that
was expressing the experience of the people involved and knowing the problem being
studied. This results of this study indicated that the form of cooperation between religious
communities in the city of Mataram ran naturally, without any forms of cooperation based on …
occurrence of radicalism in the city of Mataram. This research used indept interview method,
field observation, and documentation, while data analysis usedgrounded theory design, that
was expressing the experience of the people involved and knowing the problem being
studied. This results of this study indicated that the form of cooperation between religious
communities in the city of Mataram ran naturally, without any forms of cooperation based on …
This study aimed to determined the resilience of religious people in preventing the occurrence of radicalism in the city of Mataram. This research used indept interview method, field observation, and documentation, while data analysis usedgrounded theory design, that was expressing the experience of the people involved and knowing the problem being studied. This results of this study indicated that the form of cooperation between religious communities in the city of Mataram ran naturally, without any forms of cooperation based on written rules among religious followers. Collaboration based on human values and traditional customs among Hindus, Muslims and Christians. Collaboration with each other helping other religious people in various religious activities was a call and obligation that had been taught by their respective religions. There was an awareness that religion in the theological domain recognizes the existence of the One God, although the expression of religious people was different in defining the form of God in their midst. These forms of natural cooperation could prevent the emergence of religious radicalism in the city of Mataram.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketahanan umat beragama dalam mencegah terjadinya radikalisme di Kota Mataram. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode indept interview, observasi lapangan, dan dokumentasi, sedang analisis data menggunakan desainGrounded Theory, yaitu mengungkapkan pengalaman orang-orang yang terlibat dan mengetahui suatu masalah yang diteliti. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bentuk kerjasama antar umat beragama di Kota Mataram berjalan secara natural, tanpa adanya bentuk-bentuk kerjasama yang didasari oleh aturan-aturan tertulis antar pemeluk agama. Kerjasama yang didasari oleh nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dan adat istiadat turun temurun antar pemeluk agama Hindu, Islam, dan Kristen. Kerjasama saling membantu umat agama lain dalam berbagai kegiatan keagamaan merupakan panggilan dan kewajiban yang telah diajarkan oleh agama masing-masing. Adanya kesadaran bahwa agama dalam ranah teologis mengakui adanya Tuhan Yang Esa, walaupun ekspresi umat beragama berbeda-beda dalam mendefinisikan wujud Tuhan yang berada ditengah-tengah mereka. Bentuk-bentuk kerjasama yang bersifat natural tersebut dapat mencegah munculnya radikalisme agama di Kota Mataram.
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