Lexical bundles in university spoken and written registers

D Biber, F Barbieri - English for specific purposes, 2007 - Elsevier
lexical bundles in a wide range of spoken and written university registers, including both
instructional registers … /management registers (eg, office hours, class management talk, written

If you look at …: Lexical Bundles in University Teaching and Textbooks

D Biber, S Conrad, V Cortes - Applied linguistics, 2004 - academic.oup.com
spoken and written university registers; it turns out that the patterns of use for lexical bundles
are … In sections 4 and 5, we turn to the analysis of lexical bundles in university registers. In …

Variation among university spoken and written registers: A new multi-dimensional analysis

D Biber - Corpus analysis, 2003 - brill.com
university spoken and written registers. The study is based on analysis of the TOEFL 2000
Spoken and Written Academic … a range of spoken and written registers typical of university life, …

[PDF][PDF] Lexical bundles in three oral corpora of university students

PS Hernández - Nordic Journal of English Studies, 2013 - diva-portal.org
… Our results support the idea that lexical bundles are important components in oral discourse.
… that although lexical bundles are more common in spoken registers than written registers in …

[PDF][PDF] Lexical bundles in Korean university students' EFL compositions: A comparative study of register and use

C Yoon, JM Choi - Modern English Education, 2015 - academia.edu
… To investigate the extent to which this is the case with Korean university students’ English …
-word lexical bundles from a corpus of EFL argumentative essays written by Korean university

Investigation of EFL learners discourse functions of lexical bundles: A case of written register

S Mohamadr - International Journal of English and Literature, 2015 - academicjournals.org
lexical bundles in written university registers. Lexical bundles which are frequently found in
written … As an exploration of the discourse functions of lexical bundles in written registers, this …

Lexical bundles in freshman composition

V Cortes - Using corpora to explore linguistic variation, 2002 - torrossa.com
… of writing from freshman composition courses to find out the most frequent 4-word lexical
bundles produced by freshman university … of these word combinations in different registers. …

A Longitudinal Corpus Study of Lexical Bundles in Students' Written and Spoken Narratives

SS John - 2019 - search.proquest.com
bundles used in the spoken register (ie, conversation) were dominated by stance expressions
whereas the written registers (ie, textbooks and academicbundles in the spoken register, …

At the same time: Lexical bundles in L1 and L2 university student argumentative writing

T Bychkovska, JJ Lee - Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 2017 - Elsevier
… They found that spoken registers not only include … in lexical bundle use in L1 and L2 writing,
we analyzed the MICUSP and COLTE separately and identified two sets of lexical bundles. …

The frequency and use of lexical bundles in conversation and academic prose

S Conrad, D Biber - Lexicographica, 2005 - degruyter.com
… For brevity here, we present only the structures that account for at least 10 % of the 4-word
lexical bundles in each register. The second type of classification presented in this paper is a …