Karstologija i zahtjevi holističke znanosti

I Lučić - Filozofska istraživanja, 2014 - ceeol.com
Already with its emergence about 120 years ago, karstology was primarily characterised as
an activity that cannot be limited to a single discipline, but is liable to a karst region, which …

[PDF][PDF] Vertical distribution of solid pollutants in Sarajevo

M Spahic, S Ahmetbegović - geoubih.ba
The concentration of air pollutants in Sarajevo basin is determined by the pollution from
emission zones, and also by the meteorological conditions of the atmosphere, especially during …


I OC, N EA - academia.edu
… It was succeeded by the publication of several editions of Opća enciklopedija (Universal
Encyclopaedia), and Pomorska enciklopedija (Maritime Encyclopaedia), and other …

[PDF][PDF] Robert Lončarić, doktor geografije

D Magaš - Kartografija i geoinformacije, 2010 - hrcak.srce.hr
… U sedmom poglavlju pristupnik je sagledao demogeografska obilježja kvarnerskih otoka
razmotrivši opća obilježja naseljenosti i kretanja broja stanovnika te prostorni razmještaj …


M Spahic - geoubih.ba
One day is conventionally divided into 24 hours. Temporal time is derived from Earth’s
rotation and revolution and it belongs to the field of Astronomy. On the other hand, weather …

[PDF][PDF] Statistical identification and qualitative Evaluation of Climate tourism Potential by Using Tourism Climate Index-TCI on the Example of Herzegovina-Neretva …

H Jahić, A Mezetović - Acta geographicaBosniae et Herzegovinae, 2014 - geoubih.ba
The frequency of occurrence of certain weather conditions affecting the appropriation of the
most appropriate time of year for tourists in some tourist destinations as well as the variety of …

[PDF][PDF] Natural disasters on the island of vis in the 1930s: analysis of natural hazards in the context of the development and importance of winemaking and viticulture

N Ostojčić, V Udiljak - … i ekohistorija: časopis za gospodarsku povijest i …, 2020 - hrcak.srce.hr
… stotinjak godina” Društvena istraživanja-Časopis za opća društvena pitanja 86 (2006), 148.
… Povijesna klimatologija u kontekstu povijesti ljudi i okoliša istočnog Jadrana, Panonske …

[PDF][PDF] Djelovanje bure na Jadranu prema zapisima kroničara, putopisaca i vojnika (15.-18. st.)(Sažetak)

K Kužić - Ekonomska i ekohistorija: časopis za gospodarsku …, 2020 - hrcak.srce.hr
The author analyzed excerpts from the chronicles, travelogues and reports mentioning bura
and its effects. This wind became ill reputed primarily because of its ferocity and the cold it …

Morfometrijske značajke šireg područja Duvanjskog polja, Bosna i Hercegovina

D Radoš, S Lozić, A Šiljeg - Geoadria, 2012 - hrcak.srce.hr
… S obzirom na objekt geomorfometrije, proučavanjem manjih reljefnih oblika bavi se specifična,
dok se reljefom kao cjelinom bavi opća geomorfometrija. Opća geomorfometrija osnova …

Natural Disasters on the Island of Vis in the 1930s: Analysis of Natural Hazards in the Context of the Development and Importance of Winemaking and Viticulture

Weather changes and their belonging manifestations in the form of meteorological phenomena
have always been largely associated with economic ascents and descents, and have …