Pendeteksi Masker dan Monitoring Suhu menggunakan Webcam dan Sensor Suhu GY-906 untuk Pencegahan Penularan Covid-19

E Evelina, YD Putra, NL Husni… - Jurnal …, 2022 -
E Evelina, YD Putra, NL Husni, AS Handayani, S Rasyad, M Sobri
Jurnal Ampere,
Covid-19 is a pandemic that occurs in various parts of the world and is a form of public
concern. Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) is a mutation of the Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) which is highly infectious. The use of masks,
keeping a distance and monitoring body temperature are ways that can be done to prevent
the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. Many people have to give up their lives because of
their ignorance of the dangers of this virus. Based on this, the authors try to develop a …
Covid-19 is a pandemic that occurs in various parts of the world and is a form of public concern. Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) is a mutation of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) which is highly infectious. The use of masks, keeping a distance and monitoring body temperature are ways that can be done to prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. Many people have to give up their lives because of their ignorance of the dangers of this virus. Based on this, the authors try to develop a system that is able to detect and monitor automatically. That is by applying the use of mask detection and monitoring human body temperature before entering the room. The design of this detection system uses a webcam connected to a raspberry pi and a GY-906 Temperature Sensor and a HC-SR04 Proximity Sensor that is connected to an arduino nano. The way this detection system works is that the system can find out whether the user is wearing a mask or not and the user can find out his body temperature before entering the room. Besides, the output of this detection system is in the form of a display on the monitor and LCD as well as supporting outputs such as LEDs and Buzzers.
Covid-19 merupakan pandemi yang terjadi di berbagai belahan dunia dan merupakan bentuk kepedulian masyarakat. Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) adalah mutasi dari Sindrom Pernafasan Akut Parah Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) yang sangat menular. Penggunaan masker, menjaga jarak dan memantau suhu tubuh menjadi cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk mencegah penularan virus Covid-19. Banyak orang yang harus merelakan nyawanya karena ketidaktahuan mereka akan bahaya virus ini. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penulis mencoba mengembangkan suatu sistem yang mampu mendeteksi dan memonitoring secara otomatis. Yaitu dengan menerapkan penggunaan masker pendeteksi dan pemantauan suhu tubuh manusia sebelum memasuki ruangan. Perancangan sistem pendeteksi ini menggunakan webcam yang terhubung dengan raspberry pi dan Sensor Suhu GY-906 serta Sensor Proximity HC-SR04 yang terhubung dengan arduino nano. Cara kerja sistem pendeteksi ini adalah sistem dapat mengetahui apakah pengguna memakai masker atau tidak dan pengguna dapat mengetahui suhu tubuhnya sebelum memasuki ruangan. Selain itu, keluaran dari sistem pendeteksi ini berupa tampilan pada monitor dan LCD serta keluaran pendukung seperti LED dan Buzzer.
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