Pengaruh Pemakaian Pod Coklat Sebagai'Pengganti'Jagung'Dalamra. nstim'·'Terhadappertambahanbobotbadandan Efisiensi Penggunaan Ransum Pada Sapi …

DA Mucra - Jurnal Peternakan, 2005 -
Jurnal Peternakan,
This research was conducted, to know the effect of used cocoa pod to subtitude com in
Brahman Cross ration to determine weigh gain and ration efficiency of 12 bulls Brahman
Cross. Method of research was completely randomized design into 4 treatments with cocoa
pod level 0%, 4.80%, 9.60% and 14.40% to subtitute com in dry matter ration and three
This research was conducted, to know the effect of used cocoa pod to subtitude com in Brahman Cross ration to determine weigh gain and ration efficiency of 12 bulls Brahman Cross. Method of research was completely randomized design into 4 treatments with cocoa pod level 0%, 4.80%, 9.60% and 14.40% to subtitute com in dry matter ration and three replication.