Immunogenecity signals 1, 2, 3... and 0

C Janeway - Immunology today, 1989 -
… First, signals that lack antigen specificity are inherently more … characterization of signal two
requires that signal one delivery … signals, so that APCs deliver signal one and the TCR signal

Sending signals dynamically

RG Smock, LM Gierasch - science, 2009 -
… Yet we know far less about how signals are passed from one … of proteins and that proteins
relay signals by shifting among different … How are signals integrated in multicomponent …


B Skyrms - (No Title), 2010 -
… atomic signals leads to complex signals, as the natural product of gradual process. Signals
… That is how we think — signals run around a very complicated signaling network. Signaling …

[图书][B] Signals, systems, and transforms

CL Phillips, JM Parr, EA Riskin, T Prabhakar - 2003 -
All riahls reserved. No part of this publication ma\be reproduced, stored in a relriev al system,
or transmitted in any lorm or b\an\means, eleclronic. mechanical, photocopy in a. reeordina …

Signals in social supernets

J Donath - Journal of computer-mediated communication, 2007 -
… For a signal to be reliable, the costs of deceptively producing the signal must outweigh the
benefits. The core of signaling theory is its analysis of the types of signals and situations that …

The importance of phase in signals

AV Oppenheim, JS Lim - Proceedings of the IEEE, 1981 -
… As we show, one such condition, which applies to discrete-time signals, is that the signal be
… class of signals and provides the potential for more precise synthesis of signals from phase …

[图书][B] Animal signals

JM Smith, D Harper - 2003 -
… This is the central problem for evolutionary biologists interested in signals. A number of …
explanation for signal reliability. The authors argue that the reliability of signals is maintained in …

[图书][B] Radar signals

N Levanon, E Mozeson - 2004 -
… As we will learn later in the book, Doppler resolution of a signal is a function of the total
duration of the signal. A common approach to extending the signal is to repeat it periodically. A …

What are conventional signals?

T Guilford, MS Dawkins - Animal Behaviour, 1995 - Elsevier
signals are identified: (I) as strategic correlates of quality (or, more generally, of the parameter
about which information is contained in the signal’s message); (2) as signalssignals, …

[HTML][HTML] Animal signals

ME Laidre, RA Johnstone - Current Biology, 2013 -
… eg, predators) intercepting the signal and the environment through which the signal must
travel. … on the efficacy of signal transmission, distorting or degrading the signal as it travels to its …