[图书][B] The difference satire makes: Rhetoric and reading from Jonson to Byron

FV Bogel - 2001 - books.google.com
different modes of skepticism assume that satire tacitly expects us to endorse the satirist's
authority, to align our reading selves with the satirist, … against the object of satire. Each sort of …

What Satire Does: Lessons from the English Renaissance for the Great Age of American Satire

ED Vivier - Genre, 2020 - read.dukeupress.edu
… If satire has unintended rhetorical consequences for the satirist, so too may it affect the
reader in … , and it may have contributed to Jonson’s decision to turn from satire to tragedy. But …

[图书][B] Jonson, the poetomachia, and the reformation of Renaissance satire: purging satire

J Simons - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
… enticingly illicit and dangerous nature of satire, making it more attractive for many readers. …
concern for reform from the use of satiric fervor as rhetorical pose or simply as a way of taking …

A Mock Rhetoric: The Use of Satire in First-Year Composition

MJ Sobiech - 2008 - digitalcommons.wku.edu
… I will argue that not only should students read satire, they should write satires, and in the
process come to understand critical rhetorical and compositional strategies and principles, even …

Introduction Reading Byron Now

J Stabler - Palgrave Advances in Byron Studies, 2007 - Springer
… In Yu’s reading, the playfulness of satire generates a cultural force for effective liberal
opposition rather than the empty Whig rhetoric which Malcolm Kelsall’s influential 1987 reading


E Stinson - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature, 2019 - oxfordre.com
… as Samuel Coleridge and Lord Byron) and specific modes of discourse (such as the gothic
… In identifying these features, Kernan interpolates rhetorical readings of satire into formalist …

[图书][B] The fictions of satire

R Paulson - 2019 - books.google.com
… I would suggest that if satire originates as rhetoric, or attack, it … eating of a pet spaniel and a
tutor (Byron’s Don Juan), and the … The other satiric approach, in effect, rubs the reader’s nose …

[图书][B] Satire

JT Gilmore - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
… When, in the first century CE, the Roman teacher of rhetoric … and his contemporary readers
thought of satire as a particular … Yet if we return to Johnson’s original definition, after making


B Vickers - The Cambridge Companion to English Poetry: Donne …, 1993 - books.google.com
… that Jonson passed on to him:'He recommended to my reading … to Byron and after rhetoric
had a coherent theory of rhetoricalJonson repeats a satiric effect by setting rhetoric against …

The Mind's Kinds: Cognitive Rhetoric, Literary Genre, and Menippean Satire

M Sinding - 2003 - macsphere.mcmaster.ca
… demonstration of its victims' differences from themselves. Post… of irony and indeterminability
that readers of satire have … Lakoff and Johnson claim that metaphorical models structure …