[图书][B] Covers and envelopes in the category of complexes of modules

JRG Rozas - 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
… introduce a theory of complexes of modules using elementary tools with … envelopes and
covers in this category with respect to some well-established and important classes of complexes

Some covers and envelopes in the chain complex category of R-modules

Z Wang, Z Liu - Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 2011 - cambridge.org
… of A-covers and B-envelopes of special complexes. We prove … -modules that is bounded
above has an A-cover and each complex of R-modules that is bounded below has a B-envelope

Covers and envelopes by#-ℱ complexes

L Liang, N Ding, G Yang - Communications in Algebra, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
… of R-modules has a Gorenstein injective cover [Citation9, … of R-modules has a #-Gorenstein
injective cover. These facts … covers of R-modules and -covers of complexes of R-modules

[图书][B] Flat covers of modules

J Xu - 2006 - books.google.com
… In this chapter we define envelopes and covers for a given class of modulesmodule has
a flat cover, we first prove that every module over an integral domain has a torsion free covering

Envelopes, covers and semidualizing modules

L Mao - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2019 - World Scientific
… Given an R-module C and a class of R-modules D over a commutative ring R, we … D-envelopes
(respectively, D-covers) and the existence of Hom(C, D)-envelopes or C ⊗D-envelopes (…

A Survey of Covers and Envelopes

EE Enochs, OMG Jenda - LECTURE NOTES IN PURE AND …, 2000 - books.google.com
envelope. When F is some class such as the class of flat modules in the category of left R-modules,
an F-cover … In the category of complexes of left R-modules over any ring R the class Ɛ …

Envelopes and covers by modules of finite injective and projective dimensions

ST Aldrich, EE Enochs, OMG Jenda, L Oyonarte - Journal of Algebra, 2001 - Elsevier
… for complexes of modules and their … of envelopes by modules of the class ⊥. We prove
that over any noetherian ring the existence of such envelopes is guaranteed for every module. If …

Covers and envelopes in Grothendieck categories: flat covers of complexes with applications

ST Aldrich, EE Enochs, JRG Rozas, L Oyonarte - Journal of Algebra, 2001 - Elsevier
covers and cotorsion envelopes for any complex of modules. Thus, throughout this section
denotes class of ffat complexes … and is called the class of all cotorsion complexes. Given any …

Flat covers and cotorsion envelopes of sheaves

E Enochs, L Oyonarte - Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2002 - ams.org
complexes may fail to have the same cohomology groups. In this article we will show that
every O-module has a flat precover, and in fact that it has a flat cover (… flat cover of an O-module

Special precovers and preenvelopes of complexes

Z Wang, Z Liu - arXiv preprint arXiv:1301.6595, 2013 - arxiv.org
Covers and envelopes over any class of modules were defined by Enochs in [4] which
unified all the well known covers and envelopes, such as injective envelopes, projective covers