Hubungan Kadar Albumin, Limfosit, dan Komorbiditas dengann Lama Rawat Inap Studi pada Pasien Lanjut Usia di Ruang Rawat Penyakit Dalam RSUD Ulin …

AS Istiqomah -
Hipoalbuminemia umum ditemukan pada lansia. Seiring dengan peningkatan usia terjadi
penurunan fungsi fisiologis termasuk pada sistem imunitas yang pada akhirnya …

Korelasi antara kadar serum albumin dan status fungsional pada pasien geriatri di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar, Bali

DND Lestari, RAT Kuswardhani - Medicina, 2019 -
Status fungsional adalah kemampuan untuk melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari dan merupakan
aspek penting dalam penilaian kualitas hidup. Status fungsional secara umum ditentukan …

Prognostic value of serum albumin and C-reactive protein levels in the elderly for assessing morbidity and mortality in a tertiary care center

SK John, N Padmaja, IVR Rao, S Priya… - Journal of the Indian …, 2023 -
Results: It was observed that 83.3%(10/12) of deaths occurred in those with low serum
albumin levels, and 91.6%(11/12) with high CRP levels. The hazard ratio shows a 6 …

Correlation between albumin serum and frailty in geriatric inpatient and outpatient clinic at Sanglah Hospital Denpasar

PSP Rudy, RAT Kuswardhani… - Intisari Sains …, 2021 -
Background. Frailty in the elderly has a bad impact on health, especially in the elderly with
acute illness. Elderly with frailty has an increase susceptibility to falls, disability and death …

Korelasi albumin serum dan interleukin-6 (IL-6) serum pada pasien geriatri di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar Bali Indonesia

NMDPS Rejeki, RAT Kuswardhani - Medicina, 2019 -
Pendahuluan: Albumin adalah suatu protein yang penting dalam proses penyembuhan luka
dan apabila kehilangan protein akan menghambat proses penyembuhan luka. Kebutuhan …

[PDF][PDF] High C-reactive protein/albumin ratio increased risk of acute malnutrition during hospitalization in pediatric patients

IGL Sidiartha, DK Wati, IB Subanada… - … journal of health …, 2020 -
Pediatric patients with malnutrition commonly have a poor prognosis, such as a length of
hospital stay, higher hospital cost, increased severity of the diseases, and finally higher rates …

Serum albumin levels and inflammation

A Sheinenzon, M Shehadeh, R Michelis… - International journal of …, 2021 - Elsevier
Albumin is the most abundant protein in the plasma and has a regulatory role in the
distribution of body fluids, acid-base physiology, and binding of essential components in the …

Index of nutritional quality and its association with serum high sensitive C-reactive protein between institutionalized and non-institutionalized older adults in Tabriz: a …

M Saghafi Asl, A Izadi… - Journal of Arak …, 2021 -
Methods & Materials: In this case-control, age-and gender-matched study in Tabriz (East
Azarbaijan, Iran), o subjects aged 65 years and older were recruited from nursing homes (n …

[HTML][HTML] Impact of serum albumin on functional status and hospital outcome in oldest-old inpatients

HY Hsu, LC Hwang, CH Lin, CJ Lin, JJ Tjung - International Journal of …, 2015 - Elsevier
Background Elderly adults are at a higher risk of functional decline and malnutrition,
especially those who are hospitalized. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of …

Perbedaan Kadar Albumin Plasma Pada Pasien Sebelum Dan Setelah Menjalani Rawat Inap Di RSUD PROF. DR Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto

S Saryono, A Prastowo, MD Anggraeni - Soedirman Journal of Nursing, 2013 -
The malnutrition rate in Indonesian hospital was hightly about 75%. The determinant of
nutrition states with biochemically known by the concentration of plasma albumin. Albumin is …