Objectively assessed associations between physical activity and body composition in middle-school girls: the Trial of Activity for Adolescent Girls

J Stevens, DM Murray, CD Baggett… - American journal of …, 2007 - academic.oup.com
Declining levels of physical activity probably contribute to the increasing prevalence of
overweight in US youth. In this study, the authors examined cross-sectional and longitudinal …

Physical activity and body mass index among US adolescents: youth risk behavior survey, 1999

S Levin, R Lowry, DR Brown… - Archives of pediatrics & …, 2003 - jamanetwork.com
Objective To investigate associations of underweight and overweight with physical activity
among high school students in the United States. Methods A nationally representative …

Prospective associations between physical activity and obesity among adolescent girls: racial differences and implications for prevention

J White, R Jago - Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 2012 - jamanetwork.com
Objective To test for differences in prospective associations between physical activity and
obesity among black and white adolescent girls. Design Prospective cohort study using data …

Physical activity growth curves relate to adiposity in adolescents

TA Barnett, K Maximova, CM Sabiston, A Van Hulst… - Annals of …, 2013 - Elsevier
Purpose Findings from prospective studies on associations between physical activity and
adiposity among youth are inconsistent. Our aim was to describe physical activity trajectories …

[HTML][HTML] Associations of body size and composition with physical activity in adolescent girls

TG Lohman, K Ring, KH Schmitz… - Medicine and science …, 2006 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Purpose To examine whether components of body composition (size, fat mass, and fat-free
mass) were related to physical activity. Methods A random sample of 60 eligible sixth grade …

Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity from ages 9 to 15 years

PR Nader, RH Bradley, RM Houts, SL McRitchie… - Jama, 2008 - jamanetwork.com
Context Decreased physical activity plays a critical role in the increase in childhood obesity.
Although at least 60 minutes per day of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) is …

Adolescent physical activities as predictors of young adult weight

D Menschik, S Ahmed, MH Alexander… - Archives of Pediatrics …, 2008 - jamanetwork.com
Objective To examine the relationship between increased physical activity in adolescence
and adult weight status. Design Cohort study based on data from the National Longitudinal …

The association between an objective measure of physical activity and weight status in preschoolers

ES Metallinos‐Katsaras, PS Freedson, JE Fulton… - …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Objective: Our objective was to determine the association between physical activity and BMI
among racially diverse low‐income preschoolers. Research Methods and Procedures: This …

Physical education in elementary school and body mass index: evidence from the early childhood longitudinal study

A Datar, R Sturm - American journal of public health, 2004 - ajph.aphapublications.org
Objectives. We examined the effect of physical education instruction time on body mass
index (BMI) change in elementary school. Methods. We examined data from a national …

Daily physical activity related to body fat in children aged 8-11 years

M Dencker, O Thorsson, MK Karlsson, C Lindén… - The Journal of …, 2006 - Elsevier
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between objectively measured daily physical
activity and body fat. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional, observational, study of 248 children …