To Be or Not to Be: The Constitutional Question of the California Abortion Law

JL McGrew - U. Pa. L. Rev., 1969 - HeinOnline
Every person who provides, supplies, or administers to any woman, or procures any woman
to take any medicine, drug, or substance, or uses or employs any instrument or other means …

Antiquated Abortion Laws

MM Moore - Wash. & Lee L. Rev., 1963 - HeinOnline
The performance of an abortion'has been made a felony in virtually all American
jurisdictions. 2 The penalty to which a violator is subject varies among the states but …

Recent Statutes and the Crime of Abortion

BF Brown - Loy. L. Rev., 1969 - HeinOnline
This paper will give an appraisal of recent abortion legislation in the United States from the
point of view of Natural Law legal philosophy. Manifestly, its conclusions will differ from …

Abortion Laws in the Federal Courts-The Supreme Court as Supreme Platonic Guardian

H Sigworth - Ind. Legal F., 1971 - HeinOnline
This article starts with the premise, which will be justified only briefly, that all but the most
permissive abortion laws are undesirable. A recent exhaustive survey and analysis by …

Abortion: An inspection into the nature of human life and potential consequences of legalizing its destruction

HT Krimmel, MJ Foley - U. Cin. L. Rev., 1977 - HeinOnline
In Roe v. Wade'and Doe v. Bolton 2 the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that a state
could not proscribe the performance of abortion during the first trimester of pregnancy, nor …

Abortion and the Law: A Problem without a Solution?

RF Drinan - 1991 - JSTOR
Most Americans are weary of the controversy over what the la should say or do about
abortion. Millions of Americans want to avoid the crossfire between the partisans of the Right …

Abortion on Request: Is it Really Liberal

WK Kimble - Tex. S. Intramural L. Rev., 1970 - HeinOnline
The 62nd Texas Legislature is faced with the perplexing task of passing legislation to
resolve the abortion dilemma. No doubt, legislatures of other states face the same task this …

A Survey of the Present Statutory and Case Law on Abortion: The Contradictions and the Problems

JA Knecht - U. Ill. LF, 1972 - HeinOnline
The law regulating abortion is one of the most complex and widely discussed issues of our
time. Literature on the subject is widespread and the increase in law review articles over the …

Law, Morality, and Abortion

J Francis - Rutgers L. Rev., 1967 - HeinOnline
Editor's Note: On March 27, 1968, the Rutgers Law Review presented a symposium entitled
Law, Morality, and Abortion, which was moderated by the Dean of Rutgers Law School …

Partial-Birth Abortion and the Perils of Constitutional Common Law

RJ Pushaw Jr - Harv. JL & Pub. Pol'y, 2008 - HeinOnline
Gonzales v. Carhart'continues the Supreme Court's haphazard development of its abortion
jurisprudence-and neatly illustrates everything that has gone awry in modem constitutional …