Estimation of direction of arrival by time reversal for low-angle targets

X Zeng, M Yang, B Chen, Y Jin - IEEE Transactions on …, 2018 -
In a low-angle target parameter estimation scenario, the backscattered signals from targets
are often distorted due to clutter and multipath, which significantly degrades the performance …

Low angle direction of arrival estimation by time reversal

X Zeng, M Yang, B Chen, Y Jin - 2017 IEEE International …, 2017 -
In a low angle target parameter estimation scenario, the backscattered signals from targets
are distorted by clutter and multipath, which degrades the performance of direction-of-arrival …

Direction-of-arrival estimation in radar systems: moving window against approximate maximum likelihood estimator

M Greco, F Gini, A Farina, L Timmoneri - IET radar, sonar & navigation, 2009 - IET
In this study, we compare two radar target direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation algorithms:
the classical moving window (MW) estimator, implemented in many real radar systems and …

A developed ESPRIT algorithm for DOA estimation

Y Fayad, C Wang, Q Cao, AEDS Hafez - Frequenz, 2015 -
A novel algorithm for estimating direction of arrival (DOAE) for target, which aspires to
contribute to increase the estimation process accuracy and decrease the calculation costs …

A novel DOA estimation for low-elevation target method based on multiscattering center equivalent model

J Ma, H Ma, H Liu, W Liu… - IEEE Geoscience and …, 2023 -
The multipath in very high-frequency (VHF) radar will reduce the direction-of-arrival (DOA)
estimation accuracy for the low-angle target following. Since the target and multipath signals …

Joint time difference of arrival/angle of arrival position finding in passive radar

Y Norouzi, M Derakhshani - IET radar, sonar & navigation, 2009 - IET
Several target position finding methods are proposed in various papers mainly regarding
sensor networks. However, the problem of position finding in passive radar systems is …

Delay and Doppler scale estimation of multiple moving targets via DS-WRELAX

Z Su, R Wu - Electronics Letters, 2000 -
A computationally efficient algorithm, referred to as DS-WRELAX is proposed for the delay
and Doppler scale estimation of multiple moving targets. DS-WRELAX can approach, the …

Monopulse-radar angle estimation of multiple targets using multiple observations

M Fu, C Gao, Y Li, Z Deng… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2020 -
Amplitude comparison monopulse systems encounter the target resolution problem when
multiple targets occupy the same range-azimuth cell. To solve this problem, a new angle …

Moving target localization in multistatic sonar by differential delays and Doppler shifts

L Yang, L Yang, KC Ho - IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2016 -
A moving target creates the Doppler effect on the transmitted signal, which can be exploited
to improve the target localization accuracy in multistatic sonar that normally utilizes …

Monopulse DOA estimation of two unresolved Rayleigh targets

WD Blair, M Brandt-Pearce - IEEE Transactions on Aerospace …, 2001 -
This paper provides for new approaches to the processing of unresolved measurements as
two direction-of-arrival (DOA) measurements for tracking closely spaced targets rather than …