Almost split sequences for comodules

W Chin, M Kleiner, D Quinn - Journal of Algebra, 2002 - Elsevier
Let Γ be a coalgebra over a field k. We introduce an operator Tr that takes a right quasi-
finitely copresented Γ-comodule M to a left quasi-finitely copresented Γ-comodule Tr M. If M …

Bipartite coalgebras and a reduction functor for coradical square complete coalgebras

J Kosakowska, D Simson - Colloquium Mathematicum, 2008 -
Let C be a coalgebra over an arbitrary field K. We show that the study of the category C-
Comod of left C-comodules reduces to the study of the category of (co) representations of a …

When does the rational torsion split off for finitely generated modules

MC Iovanov - Algebras and representation theory, 2009 - Springer
It is well known that the torsion part of any finitely generated module over the formal power
series ring K [[X]] is a direct summand. In fact, K [[X]] is an algebra dual to the divided power …

[PDF][PDF] Semiperfect coalgebras

I Bertrand - Journal of Algebra, 1977 -
For a coalgebra (C, d, E) over a field k, there exists a natural algebra structure on its dual
space C*= Horn,(C, k) induced by the diagonal map d and the augmentation map E of C …

[PDF][PDF] Colby–Fuller duality between coalgebras

JG Torrecillas, C Năstăsescu - Journal of Algebra, 1996 -
INTRODUCTION wx In 8, K. Morita introduced a useful notion of duality between categories
of modules, usually called ''Morita duality.''He proved that every duality is given by …

The generating condition for coalgebras

MC Iovanov - Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 2009 -
For a ring R, the properties of being (left) self-injective or being a cogenerator for the left R-
modules do not imply one another, and the two combined give rise to the important notion of …

Morita's theorem for coalgebras

BI Lin - Communications in Algebra, 1974 - Taylor & Francis
C is a coalgebra over the field k with maps' A: C+ C@ C and E: C-jk such that (1)(1
9~)~=(A@~) A and(2)(l@ &) A=(~ 81) A= 1, mc and morphisms being C-morphisms. C*, the …

Localising embeddings of comodule categories with applications to tame and Euler coalgebras

D Simson - Journal of Algebra, 2007 - Elsevier
Given a K-coalgebra C and an injective left C-comodule E, we construct a coalgebra CE and
fully faithful left exact embedding□ E: CE-Comod→ C-Comod of comodule categories such …

[PDF][PDF] Cointegrations, relative cohomology for comodules, and coseparable corings

F Guzman - J. Algebra, 1989 -
In this paper we introduce cointegrations from one bicomodule into another, a notion
extending that of coderivation used by Nakajima [1 1] and Doi [3]. We show that in the …

[PDF][PDF] Semiperfect coalgebras over rings

R Wisbauer - Proc. Hongkong Conference ICAC, 1997 -
Our investigation of coalgebras over commutative rings R is based on the close relationship
between comodules over a coalgebra C and modules over the dual algebra C*. If C is …