Progress on determining the vapor signature of a buried land mine

V George, TF Jenkins, JM Phelan… - … for Mines and …, 2000 -
The purpose of the Explosives Fate and Transport (EF and T) experiments is to define in
detail the accessible trace chemical signature produced by the explosives contained in …

Progress on determining the vapor signature of a buried land mine

V George, TF Jenkins, DC Leggett… - … for Mines and …, 1999 -
The goal of the DARPA'Dog's Nose'program is to develop a sensor capable of detecting
explosives contained in all buried landmines. In support of the DARPA program, the purpose …

Transport of explosives I: TNT in soil and its equilibrium vapor

B Baez, SN Correa… - … for Mines and …, 2004 -
Landmine detection is an important task for military operations and for humanitarian
demining. Conventional methods for landmine detection involve measurements of physical …

Field lysimeters for the study of fate and transport of explosive chemicals in soils under variable environmental conditions

GM Molina, I Padilla, M Pando… - … Technologies for Mines …, 2006 -
Landmines and other buried explosive devices pose in an immense threat in many places of
the world, requiring large efforts on detection and neutralization of these objects. Many of the …

Chemical detection of buried landmines

JM Phelan, SW Webb - 1998 -
Of all the buried landmine identification technologies currently available, sensing the
chemical signature from the explosive components found in landmines is the only technique …

[图书][B] Analysis of explosives-related chemical signatures in soil samples collected near buried land mines

TF Jenkins - 2000 -
Over 1000 soil samples were collected at the surface and at depth near buried TMA-5, TMM-
1, PMA-1A, PMA-2, and Type 72 land mines at a research minefield at Fort Leonard Wood …

Explosive chemical emissions from landmines

JM Phelan, JL Barnett, JV Romero… - … for Mines and …, 2003 -
Chemical sensing for buried landmines is a complex phenomenon that includes mine
chemical emissions, soil chemical transport/degradation, and detection at the ground …

Explosives-related chemical concentrations in surface soils over buried land mines

KD Hutchinson, SL Grossman… - … for Mines and …, 2002 -
Night Vision Electronic Sensors Directorate (NVESD) has initiated a program for land mine
sensor development based upon explosives-related chemical (ERC) detection. As part of …

Trace explosives detection for finding land mines

S Desilets, LV Haley… - … Technologies for Mines …, 1998 -
Trace Explosive Detectors (TED) technologies have been investigated as a means of
confirming the presence of a landmine at a given location. A field trial was performed with a …

Laboratory data and model comparisons of the transport of chemical signatures from buried land mines/UXO

JM Phelan, M Gozdor, SW Webb… - … Technologies for Mines …, 2000 -
Sensing the chemical signature emitted from the main charge explosives from buried
landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO) is being considered for field applications with …