Planning school programmes for preventing peer violence

M Pavlović, PV Žunić - Nastava i vaspitanje, 2008 -
The paper presents the results of the project Planning and application of the programme for
the prevention of delinquent behavior in educational institutions of the Education …

Application of a programme for the prevention of peer violence in school environment

PZ Stanisavljević, M Cvetković - Nastava i vaspitanje, 2012 -
Violence in school is a problem in expansion and requires comprehensive social
intervention, in which the school as the institution of systematic action has an important role …

[PDF][PDF] Планирање школских програма превенције вршњачког насиља [Planning school programmes for preventing peer violence]

М Павловић, B Жунић-Павловић - Настава и васпитање, 2008 -
The paper presents the results of the project Planning and application of the programme for
the prevention of delinquent behaviour in educational institutions of the Education …

Prevention of peer violence in school system

DR Popović - Inovacije u nastavi-časopis za savremenu nastavu, 2014 -
School is described as an institution of formal character in the scientific reference books, and
it is one of the significant transmitters and factors of social influences on children and …

Characteristics of peer violence in schools

S Sinobad - Temida, 2005 -
In this paper the author analyses types and main characteristics of peer violence in schools
as well as forms of their manifestation. The analysis refers to data about the prevalence of …

The role of school in peer violence prevention

JD Stamatović, ID Stojanović - Zbornik radova Pedagoškog …, 2019 -
School plays a large role, but also has a big responsibility, when it comes to peer violence,
through systematic action through prevention and intervention. The paper presents the …

Faktori rizika za pojavu vršnjačkog nasilja u osnovnim školama

T Nedimović, M Biro - Primenjena psihologija, 2011 -
Peer violence is a current issue in schools in Serbia. The research aim is to establish the
predictors–ie the risk factors from the domain of upbringing and growing up setting …

Reaction of children and adults to violence in school

D Plut, D Popadić - Zbornik Instituta za pedagoska istrazivanja, 2007 -
The aim of this research is to describe the reaction of pupils and adults who work in school
to violence. Reactions to violence, aimed at the child personally, have to be differentiated …

Metodološki pristupi istraživanju vršnjačkog nasilja

B Mikanović - DRUŠTVENE DEVIJACIJE, 2018 -
The research of peer violence, especially the causes that lead to it, has a great scientific
significance for pedagogy. This significance, apart from the possibility to develop different …

Forms and factors of peer violence and victimisation

B Dinić, V Sokolovska, I Milovanović… - Zbornik Instituta za …, 2014 -
Апстракт. Циљ овог рада представља испитивање структуре насилништва и
виктимизације на основу анализе Упитника вршњачког насиља и виктимизације …