Maternal obesity caused by overnutrition exposure leads to reversal learning deficits and striatal disturbance in rats

T Wu, S Deng, WG Li, Y Yu, F Li, M Mao - PLoS One, 2013 -
Maternal obesity caused by overnutrition during pregnancy increases susceptibility to
metabolic risks in adulthood, such as obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes; …

A mouse model of pre-pregnancy maternal obesity combined with offspring exposure to a high-fat diet resulted in cognitive impairment in male offspring

C Zhu, TL Han, Y Zhao, X Zhou, X Mao, H Qi… - Experimental Cell …, 2018 - Elsevier
Background Cognitive impairment is a brain dysfunction characterized by
neuropsychological deficits in attention, working memory, and executive function. Maternal …

Female and male C57BL/6J offspring exposed to maternal obesogenic diet develop altered hypothalamic energy metabolism in adulthood

D Kulhanek, JE Abrahante Llorens… - American Journal …, 2022 -
Maternal obesity is exceedingly common and strongly linked to offspring obesity and
metabolic disease. Hypothalamic function is critical to obesity development. Hypothalamic …

Maternal overnutrition leads to cognitive and neurochemical abnormalities in C57BL/6 mice

C Wolfrum, D Peleg-Raibstein - Nutritional neuroscience, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Objectives: Epidemiological studies have linked maternal obesity with metabolic as well as
psychiatric disorders in the progeny. However, very little is known how maternal …

The influence of maternal metabolic state and nutrition on offspring neurobehavioral development: a focus on preclinical models

AJ Mitchell, GA Dunn, EL Sullivan - Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive …, 2022 - Elsevier
The prevalence of both obesity and neurodevelopmental disorders has increased
substantially over the last several decades. Early environmental factors, including maternal …

Facts and hypotheses about the programming of neuroplastic deficits by prenatal malnutrition

R Barra, C Morgan, P Sáez-Briones… - Nutrition …, 2019 -
Studies in rats have shown that a decrease in either protein content or total dietary calories
results in molecular, structural, and functional changes in the cerebral cortex and …

Adult rats sired by obese fathers present learning deficits associated with epigenetic and neurochemical alterations linked to impaired brain glutamatergic signaling

CE Mezo‐González, JA García‐Santillán… - Acta …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Aim Offspring of obese mothers are at high risk of developing metabolic syndrome and
cognitive disabilities. Impaired metabolism has also been reported in the offspring of obese …

Maternal overnutrition induces long-term cognitive deficits across several generations

G Sarker, D Peleg-Raibstein - Nutrients, 2018 -
Ample evidence from epidemiological studies has linked maternal obesity with metabolic
disorders such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes in the next generation …

Intergenerational transmission of the effects of maternal exposure to childhood maltreatment on offspring obesity risk: A fetal programming perspective

KL Lindsay, S Entringer, C Buss, PD Wadhwa - Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2020 - Elsevier
Childhood obesity constitutes a major global public health challenge. A substantial body of
evidence suggests that conditions and states experienced by the embryo/fetus in utero can …

Early life origins of metabolic disease: developmental programming of hypothalamic pathways controlling energy homeostasis

L Dearden, SE Ozanne - Frontiers in neuroendocrinology, 2015 - Elsevier
A wealth of animal and human studies demonstrate that perinatal exposure to adverse
metabolic conditions–be it maternal obesity, diabetes or under-nutrition–results in …