Assessment of the Genotoxicity and Mutagenic Potential of Two Medicinal Plants, Parinari Curatellifolia (Planch. Ex Benth.) Kuntze and Azadirachta indica A. Juss …

KM Kossi - 2017 -
In this study, two medicinal plants, Parinari curatellifolia (Planch. ex Benth.) Kuntze and
Azadirachta indica (A. Juss) were collected in Sokode town, in Central Region of Togo. Their …

Assessment of the Genotoxicity and Mutagenic Potential of Two Medicinal Plants, Parinari Curatellifolia (Planch. Ex Benth.) Kuntze And Azadirachta Indica A. Juss …

MK Katabale - 2018 -
In this study, two medicinal plants, Parinari curatellifolia (Planch. ex Benth.) Kuntze and
Azadirachta indica (A. Juss) were collected in Sokode town, in Central Region of Togo. Their …