Valor predictivo de las variables resiliencia, espiritualidad y apoyo social en el bienestar psicológico en cuidados paliativos

T Redondo Elvira - 2023 -
Los Cuidados Paliativos tienen como objetivo principal la mejora de la calidad de vida del
paciente y sus familiares cuando afrontan la problemática asociada a la situación de final …

Differences in the dependency on income for subjective well-being

WIJD Beckwith - 2023 -
Set point theory argues subjective well-being (SWB) varies between people, but has stability
within people across time, fluctuating in response to external factors before returning to an …

[图书][B] Depression im Alter–Eine Frage der Emotionsregulation: Längsschnitt zum Zusammenhang von Emotionsregulationskompetenz und Depression

N Becker-Hingst - 2023 -
Abstract In diesem Open-Access-Buch geht es um die Frage, ob
Emotionsregulationsprobleme eine Bedeutung für die Depression im höheren …

Flipping the Narrative: Highlighting the Positive Aspects of Healthy Aging

MK Taylor - 2023 -
Psychological research on aging typically characterizes it as a period of decline. Numerous
studies have reported age-related deficits in episodic memory, sensory perception, and fluid …

Manajemen Kesehatan

S Susanty, A Andyka, S Damayanty, L Handayani… - 2023 -
Buku ini merangkum 16 Bab uraian terkait manajemen kesehatan yang disusun secara
terstruktur dan rinci dengan harapan untuk memudahkan para pembaca dalam memahami …

Examining 14-year life satisfaction trajectories and associated predictors in the Dutch population: a latent class analysis

DHJ Mourik - 2023 -
Aim. The aim of this paper was to examine the stability of life satisfaction in the Dutch
population over a 14-year period. In addition, it explores individual trajectories of life …

Subjective well-being aspects of tourism-related employment of the elderly= Az időskorúak turisztikai foglalkoztatásának jólléti dimenziói

E Kovács - 2023 -
A doktori értekezésemben bemutatott kutatás három, a nyugdíjaskorúak turizmus területén
megvalósuló foglalkoztatásával kapcsolatos kérdésre kereste a választ. A félig strukturált …

Understanding the Relationship between Extraversion and Life Satisfaction, with Special Emphasis on the Interaction with Age

F Bittmann - 2023 -
For a long time, there has been interest in the relationship between personality traits and life
satisfaction. However, many previous studies suffer from small sample sizes or selective …


이현엽, 현승주, 최윤영, 강성록 - 한국심리학회지: 건강, 2023 -
본 연구에서는 위계적 선형모형 (hierarchical linear model) 분석을 통해 중년기 연령 증가에
따른 5 가지 삶의 만족도 지표들 (경제상태, 건강상태, 자녀와의 관계, 배우자와의 관계, 전반적 …

[PDF][PDF] Research Online

CA Magee, LM Miller, PCL Heaven -
This paper examines whether changes in personality traits influenced life satisfaction (LS).
This involved investigating whether these associations were moderated by age and …