
蒋志刚, 江建平, 王跃招, 张鹗, 张雁云, 李立立… - 生物多样 …, 2016 -
蒋志刚1, 2, 3* 江建平4* 王跃招4* 张鹗5* 张雁云6* 李立立1 谢锋4 蔡波4 曹亮5 郑光美6 董路6
张正旺6 丁平7 罗振华1﹟ 丁长青8 马志军9 汤宋华1 曹文宣5 李春旺1, 3 胡慧建10 马勇1 …

Red list of China's vertebrates

Z Jiang, J Jiang, Y Wang, E Zhang… - Biodiversity …, 2016 -
http://jtp. cnki. net/bilingual/detail/html/SWDY201605002 Cite this article Zhigang Jiang,
Jianping Jiang, Yuezhao Wang, E Zhang, Yanyun Zhang, Lili Li, Feng Xie, Bo Cai, Liang …


蒋志刚, 刘少英, 吴毅, 蒋学龙, 周开亚 - 生物多样性, 2017 -
鉴于哺乳动物分类系统的修订, 中国哺乳动物的新发现以及保育实践的需要,
有必要更新中国哺乳动物多样性编目. 在收集整理2015 年3 月以来发表的中国哺乳动物新种和 …

Bio-inventory in China: Progress and perspectives

J Jiang, C Du, B Liu, K Wang, L Cai, Q Li… - Biodiversity …, 2022 -
Background: Bio-inventory practices, including discovering and describing species,
establishing reliable biological classification systems, compiling authoritative and timely …

Assessing the illegal hunting of native wildlife in China

D Liang, X Giam, S Hu, L Ma, DS Wilcove - Nature, 2023 -
Illegal harvesting and trading of wildlife have become major threats to global biodiversity
and public health,–. Although China is widely recognized as an important destination for …

Freshwater fishes of China: species richness, endemism, threatened species and conservation

Y Xing, C Zhang, E Fan, Y Zhao - Diversity and Distributions, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Aim To compile an inventory of freshwater fish species in China, and to investigate these
data to determine spatial patterns in species richness, endemism and threatened species for …

Large mammals and trees in eastern monsoonal China: anthropogenic losses since the Late Pleistocene and restoration prospects in the Anthropocene

SN Teng, JC Svenning, C Xu - Biological Reviews, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Massive human‐induced declines of large‐sized animals and trees (megabiota) from the
Late Pleistocene to the Anthropocene have resulted in downsized ecosystems across the …

Elevational patterns of non‐volant small mammal species richness in Gyirong Valley, Central Himalaya: Evaluating multiple spatial and environmental drivers

Y Hu, K Jin, Z Huang, Z Ding, J Liang… - Journal of …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Aim Documenting the elevational species richness patterns of non‐volant small mammals
and assessing the roles of pure spatial factors and spatial structured environmental factors …

全国哺乳动物多样性观测网络(China BON-Mammals) 建设进展

李佳琦, 徐海根, 万雅琼, 孙佳欣, 李晟, 蔡蕾 - 生态与农村环境学报, 2018 -
生物多样性是人类赖以生存的条件之一, 其中哺乳动物物种多样, 分布范围广,
对栖息地变化敏感, 是生物多样性保护和环境评价的关键指示生物类群. 生境的退化或丧失 …


施小刚, 胡强, 李佳琦, 唐卓, 杨建, 李文静… - 生物多样 …, 2017 -
卧龙国家级自然保护区位于邛崃山脉东南坡, 地处邛崃山自然保护区群的核心地带. 2014-2016
年, 我们在卧龙保护区内使用红外相机技术开展大中型兽类与鸟类的本底调查. 经过10,961 …