[图书][B] Approximations and endomorphism algebras of modules

R Göbel, J Trlifaj - 2006 - degruyter.com
References Page 1 References [1] S. Abhyankar, S. Wiegand, On the compositum of two power
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[PDF][PDF] Covers, envelopes and cotorsion theories

J Trlifaj - Lecture notes, Cortona workshop, 2000 - matematika.cuni.cz
Module theory provides a general framework for the study of linear representations of
various mathematical objects. For example, given a field K, representations of a quiver Q …

[图书][B] Equivalence and duality for module categories with tilting and cotilting for rings

RR Colby, KR Fuller - 2004 - books.google.com
This book provides a unified approach to much of the theories of equivalence and duality
between categories of modules that has transpired over the last 45 years. In particular …

[图书][B] On some precovers and preenvelopes

LA Hügel - 2000 - Citeseer
Precovers and preenvelopes were introduced in the early eighties by Enochs [48] and,
independently, by Auslander and Smalø [16]. Enochs gave a general definition in terms of …

Reflexive modules are not closed under submodules

G d'Este - Representations of algebras, 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
We show that the two classes of reflexive modules with respect to a cotilting bimodule fail to
be closed under submodules. More precisely, we show that any generalized Kronecker …

Finitely cotilting modules

L Angeleri Hügel - Communications in Algebra, 2000 - Taylor & Francis
Over an arbitrary ring, we consider cotilting modules endowed with some finiteness
conditions. We show that they correspond to pairs of dualities between certain cat-egories …

Generalizing Morita duality: a homological approach

A Tonolo - Journal of Algebra, 2000 - Elsevier
Let R and S be arbitrary associative rings. Given a bimodule RWS, we denote by Δ? and Γ?
the functors Hom?(−, W) and Ext1?(−, W), where?= R or S. The functors ΔR and ΔS are right …

Cotilting objects and dualities

R Wisbauer - Representations of Algebras, 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Tilting modules generalize projective generators and may be characterized either by
weakened generating and projectivity conditions or else by equivalences they define …

Hereditary cotilting modules

F Mantese - Journal of Algebra, 2001 - Elsevier
Hereditary Cotilting Modules Page 1 Ž . Journal of Algebra 238, 462478 2001 doi:10.1006rjabr.2000.8621,
available online at http:rrwww.idealibrary.com on Hereditary Cotilting Modules Francesca …

[PDF][PDF] The relative Auslander-Reiten theory of modules

CC Xi - preprint, 2005 - math0.bnu.edu.cn
Let A be an Artin algebra. As we know, the construction of the well-known Auslander-Reiten
sequence is based on the natural (A, A)-bimodule A and the induced transpose, where the …