Outcomes for extremely premature infants

HC Glass, AT Costarino, SA Stayer, CM Brett… - Anesthesia & …, 2015 - journals.lww.com
Premature birth is a significant cause of infant and child morbidity and mortality. In the United
States, the premature birth rate, which had steadily increased during the 1990s and early …

[HTML][HTML] Digestive tract neural control and gastrointestinal disorders in cerebral palsy

LA Araújo, LR Silva, FAA Mendes - Jornal de pediatria, 2012 - SciELO Brasil
OBJETIVOS: Abordar as peculiaridades do controle neuronal digestório e descrever as
principais manifestações digestórias na paralisia cerebral, atentando-se à importância do …

Children's health: health in sweden: the national public health report 2012. chapter 2

A Hjern - Scandinavian journal of public health, 2012 - journals.sagepub.com
The health status of Swedish children is in many respects among the best in the world, as
shown by the low infant mortality rate, the high percentage of breastfed infants, the low …

[HTML][HTML] BINS validation–Bayley neurodevelopmental screener in Brazilian preterm children under risk conditions

DZ Guedes, R Primi, BI Kopelman - Infant Behavior and Development, 2011 - Elsevier
Psychometric researches increase in Brazil. Bayley Infant Neurodevelopment Screener–
BINS (Aylward, 1995) is a low cost, fast instrument. In 10'it classifies children under …

[PDF][PDF] Оптимизация неинвазивных методов лечения больных спастическими формами детского церебрального паралича в поздней резидуальной стадии …

НЮ Титаренко - Москва, 2014 - nczd.ru
В последние два десятилетия в России отмечается неуклонно прогрессирующий рост
инвалидизации населения, максимум которого приходится на детей и подростков (ДИ …

[图书][B] Chronic sorrow in mothers of adult children with cerebral palsy: An exploratory study

MK Masterson - 2010 - search.proquest.com
Chronic sorrow has been defined as a permanent and reoccurring experience of pervasive
sadness and loss which underlies the life experience and which recurs over time for the …

[HTML][HTML] Controle neuronal e manifestações digestórias na paralisia cerebral

LA Araújo, LR Silva, FAA Mendes - Jornal de Pediatria, 2012 - SciELO Brasil
OBJETIVOS: Abordar as peculiaridades do controle neuronal digestório e descrever as
principais manifestações digestórias na paralisia cerebral, atentando-se à importância do …

[PDF][PDF] The effects of functional therapy on motor development in children with cerebral palsy

A Akbari, M JAVADZADEH, G SHAHRAKI… - 2009 - sid.ir
Objective: Cerebral palsy (CP) is one of the most common causes of activity limitation in
children. Although the central nervous system (CNS) lesion, causing the disorder of posture …

Estrategia de intervención para la prevención de la parálisis cerebral en niños pretérminos en Matanzas

SC Riesgo Rodríguez… - Revista Médica …, 2009 - scielo.sld.cu
En la provincia de Matanzas ha aumentado la incidencia de nacimientos de niños con
peso< 1 500 gramos, lo cual pudiera acompañarse de un aumento en la prevalencia de …

[图书][B] Evolución neurológica, radiológia y cognitiva en niños nacidos con leucomalacia periventricular

C Romano Berindoague - 2014 - ddd.uab.cat
Las alteraciones de la ecogenicidad periventricular en el recién nacido prematuro oa
término han sido asociadas a un amplio espectro de alteraciones cognitivas, motoras y …