-supplemented modules and singularity

AR Moniri Hamzekolaee - Algebraic Structures and Their Applications, 2020 - as.yazd.ac.ir
Let $ M $ be a module over a ring $ R $. We call $ M $, $\delta $-$ H $-supplemented
provided for every submodule $ N $ of $ M $ there is a direct summand $ D $ of $ M $ such …

A variation of -lifting and -supplemented modules with respect to an equivalence relation

E Öztürk Sözen - Algebraic Structures and Their Applications, 2022 - as.yazd.ac.ir
In this paper we introduce Goldie $^{\ast} $-$\delta $-supplemented modules as follows. A
module $ M $ is called Goldie $^{\ast} $-$\delta $-supplemented (briefly, G $ _ {\delta}^{\ast} …