Collective co-production of health and care services–a systematic review of research from the United Kingdom, Germany and Norway

HS Trætteberg, R Ervik - Voluntary Sector Review, 2024 -
This article reviews all published English-language articles concerning collective co-
production of welfare services in the United Kingdom, Germany and Norway, which are …

Embedded and exterior practices of cross-sector co-production: the impact of fields

LS Henriksen, A Grubb, M Frederiksen - Journal of Social Policy, 2023 -
Cross-sector co-production involving voluntary organisations in the production and delivery
of social services has been adopted across many welfare states. Economic and …

How does policy mix credibility affect citizen participation? Evidence from pilot of household waste sorting policy

B Liu, F Zhang, B Xue - Policy Studies, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT A burgeoning collaborative government-citizen public service delivery mode is
hindered by insufficient policy mix credibility for boosting citizen participation. One reason is …

Uformelle tilleggstenester og fråverande politisk interesserepresentasjon? Frivillige organisasjonar sine relasjonar til kommunar innan helse-og omsorg i Noreg

I Eimhjellen - Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 2023 -
Frivillige organisasjonar er hevda å kunne bidra i velferdsproduksjon på måtar offentlege og
kommersielle aktørar ikkje kan. Overordna kan ein skilje mellom bidrag i form av politisk …

Civil society and governance. A survey of local authority and NPO collaboration from an institutional perspective

L Yngve, A Kassman - Journal of Civil Society, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
There is a renewed interest in third sector organizations with hope for contributions to
systems of new public governance and welfare services. This study is based on a survey to …

Navigating Complexity: Potentials and Paradoxes Within Governance Strategies for Public and Third Sector Collaboration

J Olvik - VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and …, 2024 - Springer
Contemporary governance increasingly emphasizes cross-sector collaboration to address
complex societal challenges. This article examines how state strategies approach cross …