Integrated population models: powerful methods to embed individual processes in population dynamics models

F Plard, R Fay, M Kéry, A Cohas, M Schaub - Ecology, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Population dynamics models have long assumed that populations are composed of a
restricted number of groups, where individuals in each group have identical demographic …

Temperature‐dependent sex determination in sea turtles in the context of climate change: uncovering the adaptive significance

P Santidrián Tomillo, JR Spotila - BioEssays, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
The adaptive significance of temperature‐dependent sex determination (TSD) in reptiles
remains unknown decades after TSD was first identified in this group. Concurrently, there is …

Climate driven egg and hatchling mortality threatens survival of Eastern Pacific leatherback turtles

P Santidrián Tomillo, VS Saba, GS Blanco, CA Stock… - PLoS …, 2012 -
Egg-burying reptiles need relatively stable temperature and humidity in the substrate
surrounding their eggs for successful development and hatchling emergence. Here we show …

Shading and watering as a tool to mitigate the impacts of climate change in sea turtle nests

JE Hill, FV Paladino, JR Spotila, PS Tomillo - PloS one, 2015 -
Increasing sand temperatures resulting from climate change may negatively impact sea
turtle nests by altering sex ratios and decreasing reproductive output. We analyzed the effect …

Nest-site selection influences offspring sex ratio in green turtles, a species with temperature-dependent sex determination

L Heredero Saura, L Jáñez-Escalada, J López Navas… - Climatic Change, 2022 - Springer
Climate change threatens species with temperature-dependent sex determination as further
warming could result in extremely biased sex ratios or offspring of only one sex. Among the …

Projected response of an endangered marine turtle population to climate change

VS Saba, CA Stock, JR Spotila, FV Paladino… - Nature Climate …, 2012 -
Assessing the potential impacts of climate change on individual species and populations is
essential for the stewardship of ecosystems and biodiversity. Critically endangered …

Are coastal protected areas always effective in achieving population recovery for nesting sea turtles?

R Nel, AE Punt, GR Hughes - PloS one, 2013 -
Sea turtles are highly migratory and usually dispersed, but aggregate off beaches during the
nesting season, rendering them vulnerable to coastal threats. Consequently, coastal Marine …

Untangling the impacts of nets in the southeastern Pacific: Rapid assessment of marine turtle bycatch to set conservation priorities in small-scale fisheries

J Alfaro-Shigueto, JC Mangel, J Darquea, M Donoso… - Fisheries …, 2018 - Elsevier
Bycatch of marine megafauna by small-scale fisheries is of growing global concern. The
southeastern Pacific sustains extensive fisheries that are important sources of food and …

High beach temperatures increased female-biased primary sex ratios but reduced output of female hatchlings in the leatherback turtle

PS Tomillo, D Oro, FV Paladino, R Piedra, AE Sieg… - Biological …, 2014 - Elsevier
Sex of offspring in most turtles is determined by temperature-dependent sex determination
(TSD). In sea turtles, higher incubation temperatures produce female hatchlings and primary …

The impacts of extreme El Niño events on sea turtle nesting populations

P Santidrián Tomillo, LG Fonseca, M Ward… - Climatic Change, 2020 - Springer
Abstract The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the predominant interannual pattern of
climate variability in the world and may become extreme approximately once every 20 years …