lmproving caring quality for people with dementia in nursing homes using IPOS-Dem

F Spichiger - 2024 - arodes.hes-so.ch
Résumé Delivering person-centred care to those with advanced dementia in nursing homes
presents numerous challenges. When caring for people with dementia, frontline staff may …

[PDF][PDF] Factsheet 3: Voorschrijven van medicatie door de huisarts

M Heins, M Oosterveld, A Reyners… - Palliatieve zorg in …, 2020 - palliaweb.nl
Palliatieve zorg richt zich op de kwaliteit van leven van patiënten die te maken hebben met
een levensbedreigende aandoening of kwetsbaarheid en hun naasten. Inzichten in aanbod …

[PDF][PDF] Homelessness as a Barrier to Cognitive Wellbeing and Dementia Risk Reduction

C Beard - 2023 - flex.flinders.edu.au
This thesis aims to contribute knowledge of dementia risk factors in people experiencing
homelessness. In 2020, a seminal report of the Lancet Commission identified twelve …

The Role of the Primary Care Physician in the Management of Parkinson's Disease Dementia

XN Li, D Zheng - … in Parkinson's Disease-Everything you Need to …, 2022 - books.google.com
Dementia is a frequent complication of Parkinson's disease with an annual incidence of
around 10% of patients with Parkinson's disease. If dementia occurs in patients with …

[PDF][PDF] Ανακουφιστική και υποστηρικτική φροντίδα των ασθενών με άνοια.

Κ Κοντόκωστας, ΣΓ Παπαγεωργίου - Archives of Hellenic Medicine …, 2021 - mail.mednet.gr
Ο επιπολασμός των ανοιών διαρκώς αυξάνεται σε παγκόσμια κλίμακα καθιστώντας τες
σημαντικό θέμα δημόσιας υγείας. Οι ασθενείς με άνοια, λόγω της φυσικής, καταληκτικής …


AM del Río

Performance on the Dementia Rating Scale-2 and deep brain stimulation screening: A retrospective review

D Ludik - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is considered as a neurotherapeutic treatment option for
Parkinson's disease (PD) patients' with medically intractable motor symptoms. With the …

Sinteza in vrednotenje novih N-alkil amidov kot potencialnih selektivnih zaviralcev butirilholin esteraze

R Petrijan - 2020 - repozitorij.uni-lj.si
Raziskovanje novih zdravilnih učinkovin za zdravljenje Alzheimerjeve bolezni (AB) kot
vodilnega vzroka demence pridobiva na pomenu. Obstoječa zdravila za simptomatsko …