肥胖基因, 瘦素与运动

夏澜英 - 山西师大体育学院学报, 2006 - cqvip.com
肥胖基因,瘦素与运动-[维普官方网站]-www.cqvip.com-维普网  我的维普 购物车 充值 客服 首页
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Adipose Tissue (Adipokinome), Skeletal Muscle (Myokinome), and Liver (Hepatokinome) as Endocrine Regulators During Exercise

LK Townsend, GL McKie, H Shamshoum… - … on Biochemistry of …, 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
Exercise induces beneficial adaptations in virtually every tissue and cell in the body. While
the benefits of exercise were originally thought to arise from local effects, at least in skeletal …

Effect of moderate exercise program on rats from different models of obesity

RM Gomes, AS Marques, R Torrezan… - Revista da Educação …, 2012 - SciELO Brasil
A obesidade afeta uma parcela crescente da população mundial, acompanhada de
distúrbios como a hipertensão eo diabetes tipo 2. Diversos modelos experimentais de …

Impacto do treinamento aeróbio sobre a modulação da resposta redox no coração de camundongos submetidos à dieta rica em frutose

R Alves - app.uff.br
Objetivo: Investigar o efeito protetor do treinamento aeróbico na modulação da via
Nrf2/Keap1 na melhora do estresse oxidativo no coração de camundongos submetidos à …

Effects of different load exercises on sex hormone and sperm quality in male obese mice

S Gao, X Yan, H Gao, H Lv, X Yi - Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering …, 2016 - cjter.com
BACKGROUND: Overweight and obesity can lead to a disorder of sex hormone in men. The
increase in female hormone levels may inhibit the synthesis and secretion of male hormone …

[HTML][HTML] Poor Wheel-Running Exercise Can Decrease Blood Pressure through Hormonal Control and Increase Endurance Exercise Capacity in Middle-Aged Normal …

S Sakata, T Hanaoka, R Ishizawa, K Iwami… - Journal of Biosciences …, 2015 - scirp.org
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of voluntary wheel-running (WR) on body
weight (BW), waist circumference, mesenteric fat mass (MFM), adipocyte size, circulating …


M Kalina, P Stejskal, D Stejskal… - Acta Universitatis …, 1999 - researchgate.net
Leptin is a protein produced by matured, full fat cells which considerably influence the
energy metabolism of the body cells and has probably one of the decisive functions in …

Adjusted and unadjusted energy usage rates both determine body fat and plasma leptin in male Fischer 344 rats

JA Greenberg, S Rahman, S Saint-Preux, DR Owen… - Metabolism, 1999 - Elsevier
Previous studies of the relationship between plasma leptin and energy usage have yielded
contradictory findings. The present study was therefore conducted to clearly distinguish and …

Versatilidade do tecido adiposo na obesidade e na caquexia associada ao câncer: possível papel do exercício físico aeróbio

MJ Alves, FS Lira, AS Yamashita… - … Física e Esporte, 2009 - editorarevistas.mackenzie.br
As doenças crônico-degenerativas são um problema de saúde pública que têm afetado
cada vez mais a sociedade atual. Novos elementos fisiológicos estão ganhando …

Examination of Voluntary Wheel Running and Skeletal Muscle Metabolism in the Sarcolipin Knock-Out Mouse

D Gamu - 2012 - uwspace.uwaterloo.ca
Sarcolipin (SLN) is a small sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) integral membrane protein that
regulates the SR Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA). Previous studies indicate that the functional …