Alcohol consumption predicts incidence of depressive episodes across 10 years among older adults in 19 countries

KM Keyes, K Allel, UM Staudinger, KA Ornstein… - International review of …, 2019 - Elsevier
Alcohol consumption is increasing in many countries, and excessive alcohol consumption is
particularly increasing among older adults. Excessive alcohol consumption causes morbidity …

Alcohol consumption in later life and mortality in the United States: results from 9 waves of the health and retirement study

KM Keyes, E Calvo, KA Ornstein… - Alcoholism: clinical …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Background Alcohol consumption in later life has increased in the past decade, and the
relationship between alcohol consumption and mortality is controversial. Recent studies …

Moderate alcohol consumption and lower total mortality risk: Justified doubts or established facts?

S Costanzo, G de Gaetano, A Di Castelnuovo… - Nutrition, Metabolism …, 2019 - Elsevier
For almost a century, the scientific community is aware of the J-shaped curve between
alcohol consumption and all-cause mortality. Moderate drinkers seem to live longer than …

Combined lifestyle factors on mortality among the elder population: evidence from a Chinese cohort study

C Sun, H Liu, F Xu, Y Qin, P Wang, Q Zhou, D Liu, S Jia… - BMC geriatrics, 2022 - Springer
Background Numerous studies have suggested that lifestyle-related factors are associated
with mortality, however limited evidence is available for the Chinese elder population …

Alcohol consumption and all-cause mortality: an analysis of general practice database records for patients with long-term conditions

D Stewart, L Han, T Doran… - J Epidemiol Community …, 2017 -
Background Alcohol is a risk factor for ill health and reduced life expectancy, but little is
known about the impact of alcohol on mortality for people with existing long-term conditions …

Alcohol abstention in early adulthood and premature mortality: Do early life factors, social support, and health explain this association?

RJ Evans-Polce, J Staff, JL Maggs - Social Science & Medicine, 2016 - Elsevier
Objective Adult alcohol abstainers have a heightened risk of premature mortality compared
to light-to-moderate drinkers. We examine three plausible explanations, other than lack of …

The effect of alcohol consumption on all-cause mortality in 70-year-olds in the context of other lifestyle risk factors: results from the Gothenburg H70 birth cohort study

F Ahlner, HF Erhag, L Johansson, J Samuelsson… - BMC geriatrics, 2023 - Springer
Background In this study, we examined the effect of alcohol, as well as the combined effect
of seven lifestyle factors, on all-cause mortality in older adults (baseline age 70 years) …

[PDF][PDF] Psychische und Verhaltensstörungen durch psychotrope Substanzen/Sucht und Substanzstörungen im Alter

S Mühlig, D Wolter - Praxishandbuch Gerontopsychiatrie und …, 2018 -
Die ICD-10 klassifiziert die „Psychischen und Verhaltensstörungen durch psychotrope
Substanzen “(F10-F19) mittels Einteilung in die Bereiche „Sub stanzkonsumstörungen “und …

Folgeerkrankungen bei Alkoholmissbrauch

DK Wolter - CME, 2018 - Springer
Übermäßiger Alkoholkonsum führt zu Schädigungen in verschiedenen Organsystemen, die
von großer gesundheitsökonomischer Relevanz sind. Häufig handelt es sich um …

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