The Simuliidae (Diptera) in the Oriental Region: Classification, morphological characters, geographical distributions, and transmission of filariae

H TAKAOKA - Medical Entomology and Zoology, 2015 -
Studies on black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in the Oriental Region are reviewed. The history
of taxonomic studies is briefly traced; revision of supraspecific taxa (genera, subgenera and …

The Black Flies of Subtropical and Tropical Asia

H Takaoka - Springer
In this book, a newly uncovered world of black fiies, tiny biting insects, of subtropical and
tropical Asia (zoogeographically called as Oriental Region, in which 21 countries are …

[PDF][PDF] Seasonal biodiversity of black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae)

WSHTY Otsuka - Hydrobiologia, 2015 -
This is the first study on the seasonal biodiversity of black flies and evaluation of ecological
factors influencing their distribution at Doi Pha Hom Pok National Park, northern Thailand …

東洋区のブユ—分類, 形態形質の変異, 地理的分布およびフィラリア媒介—

高岡宏行 - 衛生動物, 2015 -
Studies on black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in the Oriental Region are reviewed. The history
of taxonomic studies is briefly traced; revision of supraspecific taxa (genera, subgenera and …