[图书][B] Gerontologic nursing-e-book

SE Meiner - 2013 - books.google.com
Covering both disorders and wellness, Gerontologic Nursing provides the essential
information you need to provide the best nursing care to older adults. A body-system …

Testing of geroprotectors in experiments on cell cultures: pros and cons

AN Khokhlov, GV Morgunova - 2017 - books.rsc.org
According to the classic definition of aging we share, it is a combination of changes in an
organism leading to an increase in the probability of its death (rate of mortality). 1–4 It should …

Aging: Natural or disease? A view from medical textbooks

S Janac, B Clarke, D Gems - Anti-aging Drugs, 2017 - library.oapen.org
According to medical tradition, aging coincides with illnesses such as cancer, Alzheimer's
disease and cardiovascular disease, yet is itself a 'normal','natural'and non-pathological …

Pengaruh ekstrak daun sirih merah (Piper Crocatum Ruiz & Pav.) terhadap glukosa darah mencit (Mus Musculus L.) jantan yang diinduksi sukrosa

MR Saputra, R Sumarmin - EKSAKTA: Berkala Ilmiah Bidang …, 2018 - eksakta.ppj.unp.ac.id
Patients withdiabetes mellitus (DM) continues to grow becauseprosperityandpeople's
lifestyles. Treatment of diabetesoften useinjectionsof insulinandoralantidiabeticdrugs …

[PDF][PDF] Kesimpulan dan Saran

V Bab - BAB II, 2016 - repository.wima.ac.id
Laporan Praktek Kerja Profesi Rumah Sakit di RSUD Dr. Soetomo PKP Apoteker RSUD Dr.
Soetomo Periode Oktober-Desember 2011 2 Page 1 Laporan Praktek Kerja Profesi Rumah …

How Do Knowledge And Self-Efficacy of Internship Nursing Students in Performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation?

S Desiani, A Nuraeni, AP Priambodo - Belitung Nursing Journal, 2017 - belitungraya.org
Background: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is the emergency first aid in cardiac
arrest. CPR delivery is influenced by knowledge and self-efficacy. Internship students can be …

[PDF][PDF] Klasifikasi Sel Darah Putih Menggunakan Metode Support Vector Machine (SVM) Berbasis Pengolahan Citra Digital

B Caraka, BAA Sumbodo, I Candradewi - IJEIS (Indonesian Journal of …, 2017 - core.ac.uk
Sel darah putih diklasifikasikan menjadi lima jenis (basofil, eosinofil, neutrofil, limfosit dan
monosit) dengan kelas tambahan sel limfoblas dari gambar mikroskop yang diolah. Dengan …

Hubungan kualitas tidur dan fungsi kognitif pada lanjut usia di panti sosial margaguna jakarta selatan

A Hanifa - 2016 - repository.uinjkt.ac.id
Proses menjadi tua merupakan suatu kejadian yang alami karena hal ini merupakan tahap
akhir dalam sebuah perjalanan hidup. Populasi lanjut usia juga semakin meningkat baik …

[图书][B] History and Clinical Examination at a Glance

J Gleadle - 2012 - books.google.com
Every medical student must be able to take an accurate history and perform a physical
examination. This third edition of History and Clinical Examination at a Glance provides a …

Hubungan Lokasi Terapi Intravenus Dengan Kejadian Plebitis

R Sumara - Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah …, 2017 - repository.um-surabaya.ac.id
Terapi intravena (IV) merupakan cara yang digunakan untuk memberikan cairan dan
memasukkan obat, vitamin dan transfuse darah ke tubuh pasien. Dalam terapi intravena …