Five theorems on Gorenstein global dimensions

LW Christensen, S Estrada, P Thompson - arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.12375, 2022 -
We expand on two existing characterizations of rings of Gorenstein (weak) global dimension
zero and give two new characterizations of rings of finite Gorenstein (weak) global …

When do the Gorenstein Injective Modules and Strongly Cotorsion Modules Coincide?

J Wang, H Li - Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 2023 - Springer
For a left Noetherian ring R, if the supremum of flat dimensions of all injective left R-modules
is finite, we prove that strongly cotorsion left R-modules coincide with Gorenstein injective …

Auslander condition and Gorenstein rings

D Wu - Mathematical Notes, 2022 - Springer
Let be a left Noetherian ring satisfying the Auslander condition. It is proven that a left-module
is Gorenstein injective if and only if is strongly cotorsion and for any injective left-module; a …

Contemporary Mathematics Volume 785, 2023

LW Christensen, S Estrada… - Algebra and Coding …, 2023 -
We expand on two existing characterizations of rings of Gorenstein (weak) global dimension
zero and give two new characterizations of rings of finite Gorenstein (weak) global …

New model structures and projective (injective) cotorsion pairs

A Xu - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2023 - World Scientific
Let 𝒟 be either the category of R-modules or the category of chain complexes of R-modules
and ℳ a cofibrantly generated hereditary abelian model structure on 𝒟. First, we get a new …

A note on Gorenstein projective modules

D Wu - Communications in Algebra, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
In this note, it is proven that if R is a right noetherian ring with id R o R<∞ and E xt R i≥ 1
(M, F)= 0 for any left R-module F with finite flat dimension, then M is Gorenstein projective; if …