[PDF][PDF] de Alcaˆ ntara AL, da Silva WM, de Souza Neto NJK, Freire Piani PP, de Souza IJA, Silva LdSD'A, de Oliveira MCNI, Said NM, Nascimento de Lemos G, de …

JS Felıcio, HA de Rider Britto, PC Cortez - Front. Endocrinol. 12, 2021 - academia.edu
Background: The effect of glycemic control on diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is well known.
Recent evidence has suggested that Vitamin D (VD) may have a nephroprotective effect in …


M Rahimi, A Cheraghchi, A Roudi, M Tork, ACT Rahimi… - varastegan.ac.ir
Years have passed since the first day the microscope was invented. Many days passed in a
row, and slowly centrifuges, cell counters, and auto analyzers replaced manual and time …


MUDI Karen, MUDM Vrablík, MUDD Moravčíková - svl.cz
Všeobecní praktičtí lékaři, ale i další lékaři v celém světě již delší dobu pracují s faktem, že
metabolický syndrom (MS) znamená velké kardio-metabolické riziko pro daného jedince …

[PDF][PDF] Dochead dossier Sous-dochead Vitamine D et prévention des risques Effets de la vitamine D sur le risque cardiométabolique

JM Lecerf - 2022 - Elsevier
Résumé De nombreuses études épidémiologiques d'observation, prospectives notamment,
ont montré une relation inverse entre le statut en vitamine D, apprécié par la concentration …


M Langen - vitalitymagazine.com
More than 460 million people, almost 6% of the world's population, are suffering from type 2
diabetes, the most common form. Over 1 million deaths per year can be attributed to this …

[引用][C] Διερεύνηση παραγόντων που οδηγούν στην χρήση και μη, διαιτητικών συμπληρωμάτων διατροφής από διαβητικούς ασθενείς

Β Μαρκασιώτη

Effect of vitamin D deficiency on ACE2 and inflammatory factors in patients with type 2 diabetes

C Xing, Y Lu, C Zhang, LIU Guangxia, F Chen, Z Hou… - 2022 - researchsquare.com
Objective: To analyze the levels and correlation of vitamin D, ACE2, ACE and inflammatory
factors in patients with type 2 diabetes, To explore the effect of vitamin D deficiency on ACE2 …


JL Mansur - vps-1689312-x.dattaweb.com
El descubrimiento de que la síntesis de 1, 25 vitamina D no fue solo renal, la enzima 1 alfa
hidroxilasa se encuentra en numerosos tejidos del organismo, además de la evidencia de …

[PDF][PDF] Vitamin D kann Diabetes vorbeugen und behandeln

VM Langen - omns.de
Neuere Erkenntnisse zeigen, dass eine ausreichende Versorgung mit Vitamin D vor den
häufigsten Formen von Diabetes schützen kann: Typ-2-und Typ-1-Diabetes und …

[HTML][HTML] Витамин Д в практике эндокринолога: факты и предположения

ТВ Мохорт, НВ Карлович - Медицинские новости, 2021 - cyberleninka.ru
Витамин Д не является классическим витамином, а может быть назван Д-гормоном.
Это заключение основано на понимании доказательств синтеза в организме человека …