[图书][B] Byen og rusmidlerne: oplevelser, konflikter og regulering

E Houborg, T Kammersgaard, JS Bach, M Bancroft - 2022 - books.google.com
Et glas vin på fortovscaféen, en joint i parken, en ecstasypille på diskoteket eller et skud
heroin i baggården. Det sociale liv i byen er ofte forbundet med brug af rusmidler. Nogle …

Exploring politics, practices, and discourses of harm reduction in the overdose crisis: The case of the Tenant Overdose Response Organizers and the “therapeutic …

M Nowell - 2018 - search.proquest.com
Harm reduction, its aspirations, politics, and discourses, have changed dramatically since its
origins as a grassroots, drug user-led movement in Canada. Public health played a critical …

Opioid addiction in rural North Carolina: A criminal justice and public health issue

JF Anderson, K Reinsmith-Jones - Int'l J. Soc. Sci. Stud., 2017 - HeinOnline
Opioid addiction and abuse has become a nationwide epidemic in America. Chief among
the states where this behavior is most pervasive is North Carolina. Current statistics reveal …

[图书][B] Using space: Critical geographies of drugs and alcohol

CM Moreno, DR Wilton - 2014 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Drug use/addiction and alcohol consumption/alcoholism are increasingly recognized as
embedded and constitutive elements of social, family, and recreational life as well as sites of …

Challenges and support needs among persons with a migration background who use drugs in four European metropolitan cities

A Pouille, C De Ruysscher, L van Selm… - 2024 - researchsquare.com
Background Substance dependence amongst persons who immigrate for economic
reasons, asylum seekers and refugees is gaining attention in several European countries …

Tracing Relations and Unfolding Recovery Forms

A Sultan - … : Unfolding Sociomaterial Relations of Drug Use and …, 2022 - Springer
Broadly, literature on recovery defines two types of recovery sources: formal and self-help.
However, by now it is clear that such a broad distinction does not reflect the actual varied …

“Pharmacies are less confronting than a medical practitioner”: A qualitative exploration of community pharmacy as an environment for reducing harms related to …

T Piatkowski, S Benn, M King, S McMillan, L Hattingh - 2023 - researchsquare.com
Background While community pharmacies have been successful in providing harm
reduction support for illicit substance consumers, little research has explored their role in …

Transcending Online and Offline Doping

J Andreasson, A Henning - Online Doping: The Digital Ecosystem and …, 2023 - Springer
This chapter focuses on the interconnections between offline (physical) and online (digital)
doping and doped bodies. Drawing on the ontological turn literature to understand these …

Varying drug policies and unequal access to harm reduction: Experiences, mobility, and risk management of people who use drugs

J Holeksa - 2024 - diva-portal.org
People who use drugs (PWUD) are at a high risk of complex, interrelated physical,
psychological, and social harms (Armoon et al., 2021; Couto E Cruz et al., 2018; Darke et al …

[HTML][HTML] Vulnerable Jugendliche in sich verändernden Risikoumgebungen: Figurationen von urbaner Jugendwohnungslosigkeit in Deutschland, Dänemark und …

F Sowa, K Fahnøe, A Roy, A Farrier, M Heinrich… - Soziale …, 2021 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Abstract Dieses Projekt stellt die Frage, wie die COVID-19-Pandemie Prozesse der sozialen
Inklusion und Exklusion von wohnungslosen Jugendlichen beeinflusst. Anhand von drei …