The non-nil-invariance of periodic topological cyclic homology

R Horiuchi - Homology, Homotopy and Applications, 2020 -
Periodic topological cyclic homology $\operatorname {TP} $ is a topological analogue of
periodic cyclic homology $\operatorname {HP} $. It is known that, for R an algebra over a …

[PDF][PDF] Secondary algebras associated to ring spectra

HJ BAUES, F MURO - arXiv preprint math.AT/0610523, 2008 - Citeseer
Homotopy groups of a connective ring spectrum R form an Æ-graded algebra π∗ R which is
commutative if R is commutative. We describe a secondary algebra π∗,∗ R which enriches …

On the geometric fixed points of real topological Hochschild homology

A Høgenhaven - arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.01817, 2017 -
arXiv:1710.01817v1 [math.AT] 4 Oct 2017 Page 1 arXiv:1710.01817v1 [math.AT] 4 Oct 2017 ON

The E_2-term of the descent spectral sequence for continuous G-spectra

DG Davis - arXiv preprint math/0602480, 2006 -
Let {X_i} be a tower of discrete G-spectra, each of which is fibrant as a spectrum, so that X=
holim_i X_i is a continuous G-spectrum, with homotopy fixed point spectrum X^{hG}. The …

On the de Rham–Witt Complex over Perfectoid Rings

C Davis, I Patchkoria - International Mathematics Research …, 2022 -
Fix an odd prime. The results in this paper are modeled after work of Hesselholt and
Hesselholt–Madsen on the-typical absolute de Rham–Witt complex in mixed characteristic …

Правило Лейбница в алгебраической -теории

АЛ Смирнов - Записки научных семинаров ПОМИ, 2004 -
В препринте Панина и автора [1] введены аксиомы для теорий когомологий
алгебраических многообразий, аналогичные аксиомам Стинрода-Эйленберга для …

[PDF][PDF] On the K-theory of complete regular local Fp-algebras

T Geisser, L Hesselholt - preprint, 2000 -
Let A be a noetherian Fp-algebra that is finitely generated as a module over the subring Ap
of pth powers. We give an explicit formula for the de Rham-Witt complex of the power series …

[PDF][PDF] Real Topological Cyclic Homology

A Høgenhaven - 2016 -
The main topics of this thesis are real topological Hochschild homology and real topological
cyclic homology. The thesis consists of an introduction followed by two papers. If a ring or a …

Toward a ring spectrum map from K (ku) to E_2

EE Dahl - 2015 -
In this thesis we compute the K_2-homology of B^ 3\Z= K (\Z, 3) following Ravenel-Wilson,
and exhibit all ring spectrum maps from\Sigma^\infty B^ 3\Z_+ to K_2. We define the …

[PDF][PDF] FROM K (ku) TO E2

EE DAHL - 2015 -
In this thesis we compute the K2-homology of B3Z= K (Z, 3) following Ravenel-Wilson, and
exhibit all ring spectrum maps from Σ∞ B3Z+ to K2. We define the complex oriented theory …