Specific language impairment is not specific to language: The procedural deficit hypothesis

MT Ullman, EI Pierpont - Cortex, 2005 - Elsevier
Specific Language Impairment (SLI) has been explained by two broad classes of
hypotheses, which posit either a deficit specific to grammar, or a non-linguistic processing …

A predictive coding framework for rapid neural dynamics during sentence-level language comprehension

AG Lewis, M Bastiaansen - Cortex, 2015 - Elsevier
There is a growing literature investigating the relationship between oscillatory neural
dynamics measured using electroencephalography (EEG) and/or magnetoencephalography …

[图书][B] Teaching and researching: Listening

M Rost - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
Teaching and Researching Listening provides a focused, state-of-the-art treatment of the
linguistic, psycholinguistic and pragmatic processes that are involved in oral language use …

Processing syntactic relations in language and music: An event-related potential study

AD Patel, E Gibson, J Ratner, M Besson… - Journal of cognitive …, 1998 - direct.mit.edu
In order to test the language-specificity of a known neural correlate of syntactic processing
[the P600 event-related brain potential (ERP) component], this study directly compared …

[PDF][PDF] Psycholinguistics Electrified II (1994-2005)

M Kutas - Handbook of psycholinguistics/Elsevier, 2006 - lanlib.alzahra.ac.ir
Publisher Summary In 1994, there were only two dominant noninvasive techniques to offer
insight about the functional organization of language from its brain bases: the behavior of …

The extended argument dependency model: a neurocognitive approach to sentence comprehension across languages.

I Bornkessel, M Schlesewsky - Psychological review, 2006 - psycnet.apa.org
Real-time language comprehension is a principal cognitive ability and thereby relates to
central properties of the human cognitive architecture. Yet how do the presumably universal …

Structure and limited capacity in verbal working memory: A study with event-related potentials

HHJ Kolk, DJ Chwilla, M Van Herten, PJW Oor - Brain and language, 2003 - Elsevier
In order to test recent claims about the structure of verbal working memory, two ERP
experiments with Dutch speaking participants were carried out. We compared the ERP …

Linking brainwaves to the brain: an ERP primer

APF Key, GO Dove, MJ Maguire - Developmental neuropsychology, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
This article reviews literature on the characteristics and possible interpretations of the event-
related potential (ERP) peaks commonly identified in research. The description of each peak …

The brain basis of syntactic processes: functional imaging and lesion studies

AD Friederici, SA Kotz - Neuroimage, 2003 - Elsevier
Language comprehension can be subdivided into three processing steps: initial structure
building, semantic integration, and late syntactic integration. The two syntactic processing …

Non-motor basal ganglia functions: a review and proposal for a model of sensory predictability in auditory language perception

SA Kotz, M Schwartze, M Schmidt-Kassow - Cortex, 2009 - Elsevier
While the primary function of the basal ganglia (BG) is linked to motor behaviour, several
investigations of non-motor behaviour allocate cognitive and language-specific functions to …