[PDF][PDF] The good, the bad and the ugly–identification and characterisation of thyroid hormone-dependent biomarkers

S Schmid - University of Lübeck, 2020 - zhb.uni-luebeck.de
Abstract The Thyroid hormones (TH) T4 and T3 play a pivotal role in development and
homeostasis, therefore their secretion is regulated by the hypothalamic hormone TRH and …

Apical Iodide Efflux in Thyroid

P Fong - Vitamins & Hormones, 2015 - Elsevier
Thyroid follicular epithelial cells produce thyroxine (T 4) and its physiologically active
derivative, 3, 3′, 5-triiodothyronine (T 3), hormones that regulate critical developmental and …

Rôle du système générateur d'espèces réactives de l'oxygène NOX4-p22phox dans la thyroïde humaine: implication dans la prolifération et la différenciation …

J Cailloux - 2014 - theses.hal.science
Rôle de la NADPH oxydase NOX4 dans la régulation de l'expression du symporteur
sodium/iode (NIS) dans le cas du cancer papillaire de la thyroïde (PTC). L'activation …

Thyroid Culture from Monolayer to Closed Follicles

C Spinel, M Herrera, J Rivera - Thyroid Hormone, 2012 - books.google.com
The thyroid is an endocrine gland formed by two lobes (Figure 1A L) located on each side of
the trachea and the larynx; they are joined by an isthmus (ultimo-branchial origin)(Figure 1A …

The Role of the Endosomal Chloride/Proton Antiporter ClC-5 in Proximal Tubule Endocytosis and Kidney Physiology

M Comini, G Zifarelli - Studies of Epithelial Transporters and Ion Channels …, 2020 - Springer
The chloride channel (CLC) protein family comprises ion channels and proton-coupled
anion transporters with fundamental physiological roles in humans. Several properties of …

Identificación y caracterización de mecanismos moleculares implicados en la dishormonogénesis tiroidea mediante la aplicación de técnicas de secuenciación …

L Soler Colomer - 2020 - ddd.uab.cat
Les dishormonogènesis tiroïdals (DT) representen aproximadament el 20% dels casos
d'hipotiroïdisme congènit (HC) primari. En aquests pacients s' acostuma a identificar una …

Role of Phosphatidylinositol Metabolism in Renal Epithelial Membrane Traffic

S Cui - 2010 - d-scholarship.pitt.edu
Phosphatidylinositol (PI) and its phosphorylated derivatives, phosphatidylinositides (PIPs),
are versatile cellular regulators participating in myriad events including signal transduction …

Desarrollo de modelos celulares de la enfermedad de Dent para la identificación de los mecanismos fisiopatológicos que subyacen a la progresión de la enfermedad

M Durán Fernández - 2020 - ddd.uab.cat
La enfermedad de Dent de tipo 1 es un trastorno hereditario poco frecuente caracterizado
por proteinuria de bajo peso molecular (PBPM), hipercalciuria y nefrocalcinosis que …

El transporte del yodo hacia el lumen del folículo tiroideo: efecto de la amiodarona

E Bernal Pinilla - 2010 - repositorio.unal.edu.co
La glándula tiroides regula la tasa metabólica de muchos órganos. El yodo es un
componente esencial de las hormonas tiroideas, la T3 (triyodotironina) y la T4 …

[PDF][PDF] Microvascular activation by iodine deficiency and X‐radiation in non‐thyroidal NIS‐expressing organs

J Vanderstraeten, B et Pharmaceutiques - 2018 - dial.uclouvain.be
Microvascular activation by iodine deficiency and X‐radiation in non‐thyroidal NIS‐expressing
organs Page 1 Pôle de Morphologie Unité de Radiobiologie Microvascular activation by iodine …