DNNAce: prediction of prokaryote lysine acetylation sites through deep neural networks with multi-information fusion

B Yu, Z Yu, C Chen, A Ma, B Liu, B Tian… - … and intelligent laboratory …, 2020 - Elsevier
As a reversible and widely existing post-translational modification of proteins, acetylation
plays a crucial role in transcriptional regulation, apoptosis, and cytokine signaling. To better …

DRBPPred-GAT: Accurate prediction of DNA-binding proteins and RNA-binding proteins based on graph multi-head attention network

X Zhang, Y Wang, Q Wei, S He, A Salhi, B Yu - Knowledge-Based Systems, 2024 - Elsevier
DNA-binding proteins (DBPs) and RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) play a crucial role in
regulating various cellular functions that are closely associated with human disease …

Unlocking the microbial studies through computational approaches: how far have we reached?

R Kumar, G Yadav, M Kuddus, GM Ashraf… - … Science and Pollution …, 2023 - Springer
The metagenomics approach accelerated the study of genetic information from uncultured
microbes and complex microbial communities. In silico research also facilitated an …

Prediction of anticancer peptides using a low-dimensional feature model

Q Li, W Zhou, D Wang, S Wang, Q Li - Frontiers in Bioengineering …, 2020 - frontiersin.org
Cancer is still a severe health problem globally. The therapy of cancer traditionally involves
the use of radiotherapy or anticancer drugs to kill cancer cells, but these methods are quite …

Machine learning and its applications in plant molecular studies

S Sun, C Wang, H Ding, Q Zou - Briefings in functional genomics, 2020 - academic.oup.com
The advent of high-throughput genomic technologies has resulted in the accumulation of
massive amounts of genomic information. However, biologists are challenged with how to …

Recent advances in the machine learning-based drug-target interaction prediction

W Zhang, W Lin, D Zhang, S Wang… - Current drug …, 2019 - ingentaconnect.com
Background: The identification of drug-target interactions is a crucial issue in drug discovery.
In recent years, researchers have made great efforts on the drug-target interaction …

Drug-target interaction prediction with graph attention networks

H Wang, G Zhou, S Liu, JY Jiang, W Wang - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2021 - arxiv.org
Motivation: Predicting Drug-Target Interaction (DTI) is a well-studied topic in bioinformatics
due to its relevance in the fields of proteomics and pharmaceutical research. Although many …

LPI-KTASLP: prediction of lncRNA-protein interaction by semi-supervised link learning with multivariate information

C Shen, Y Ding, J Tang, L Jiang, F Guo - IEEE Access, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Long non-coding RNA, also known as lncRNA, is a series of single-stranded
polynucleotides (no less than 200 nucleotides each), consisting of non-protein coding …

6mA-RicePred: A Method for Identifying DNA N 6-Methyladenine Sites in the Rice Genome Based on Feature Fusion

Q Huang, J Zhang, L Wei, F Guo, Q Zou - Frontiers in plant science, 2020 - frontiersin.org
Motivation The biological function of N 6-methyladenine DNA (6mA) in plants is largely
unknown. Rice is one of the most important crops worldwide and is a model species for …

iGlu_AdaBoost: identification of lysine glutarylation using the AdaBoost classifier

L Dou, X Li, L Zhang, H Xiang, L Xu - Journal of Proteome …, 2020 - ACS Publications
Lysine glutarylation is a newly reported post-translational modification (PTM) that plays
significant roles in regulating metabolic and mitochondrial processes. Accurate identification …