[PDF][PDF] Introducción reciente de Podarcis siculaen dos enclaves costeros del País Vasco

I Garin-Barrio, Y Blanco, C Cabido, MA Carretero… - 2020 - lacerta.eu
La introducción de especies exóticas no es un fenómeno reciente, pero se ha acentuado a
lo largo del último siglo. Al ser una parte de ellas especies que se convierten en invasoras …

Physiological phenotypes differ among color morphs in introduced populations of the common wall lizard, Podarcis muralis

A Amer, S Spears, PL Vaughn, C Colwell… - bioRxiv, 2023 - biorxiv.org
Many species exhibit color polymorphisms which have distinct physiological and behavioral
characteristics. However, the consistency of morph trait covariation patterns across species …

Avaliação do estádio de introdução da lagartixa italiana Podarcis siculus no Parque da Nações (Lisboa)

RAV Ribeiro - 2017 - dspace.uevora.pt
Actualmente, as invasões biológicas animais são uma das principais ameaças à
biodiversidade em todo o mundo e, consequentemente, um dos maiores problemas na …

The gullible genius: fast learners fall for fake news

G Ioanna, B Simon - Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 2022 - search.proquest.com
In many animals, decision-making is influenced by social learning, ie the acquisition of
insights through the observation of other individuals' behaviours. In cases where such …

Die Geschichte der Historie der Stuttgarter Westlichen Smaragdeidechsen, Lacerta b. bilineata Daudin, 1802.

G Deichsel - Eidechse, 2020 - search.ebscohost.com
English A witness reports the release of 100 Western Green Lizards Lacerta bilineata,
originating from the canton of Ticino, Switzerland in the early 1950ies. The place of release …

[PDF][PDF] In the blood and gut of lizards: the drivers of gut bacteria diversity and the impacts of blood parasites

D Silva - 2021 - repositorio-aberto.up.pt
There is an increasing amount of evidence pointing towards the importance of bacteria and
parasites in the ecology and dynamics of host populations. Complex microorganism …

[PDF][PDF] Karadeniz Fen Bilimleri Dergisi

U BÜLBÜL, S SARIKURT, E ZAMAN - researchgate.net
Öz Bu çalışma, Türkiye'nin Batı Karadeniz bölgesindeki Podarcis siculus' un yeni bir lokalite
kaydını (Karabük ili Safranbolu ilçesi Hıdırlık Caddesi) sunmaktadır. Bizim bulgularımız, bu …

Biodiversity patterns and conservation priorities: case studies on the herpetofauna of Albania and the freshwater biodiversity of Europe

M Szabolcs - dea.lib.unideb.hu
Disszertációm első két fejezetében Albánia kétéltű-és hüllőfaunáján keresztül mutatom be
egy nagy léptékű térbeli adatbázis elkészítését és hasznosítását az ökológiában. A második …

[PDF][PDF] Can behaviour explain invasion success?

I Damas-Moreira, JL Riley, DJ Harris… - Isabel Damas Moreira - figshare.mq.edu.au
To reduce the impact of biological invasions, we need to understand the behavioural
mechanisms that enable some species to be successful invaders. Testing differences in …

In “defense” of Podarcis latastei, an Italian insular endemic species (Squamata: Lacertidae)

R Castiglia, G Senczuk, W Böhme, C Corti - Amphibia-Reptilia, 2021 - brill.com
Based on genetic and morphological evidence, Senczuk et al.(2019) formally raised the
Podarcis populations from the Western Pontine Islands, previously classified as several …