Impact of halite dissolution subsidence on Quaternary fluvial terrace development: Case study of the Huerva River, Ebro Basin, NE Spain

J Guerrero, F Gutiérrez, P Lucha - Geomorphology, 2008 - Elsevier
This paper analyses the control of evaporite dissolution subsidence on the evolution of the
lower 30 km-long reach of the Huerva River up to its confluence with the Ebro River. In the …

Morphotectonic evidence from the southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) and basins of the south Marmara sub-region, NW Turkey

HH Selim, O Tüysüz, A Karakaş, KÖ Taş - Quaternary international, 2013 - Elsevier
This study investigated the morphotectonic evidence from the southern branch of the North
Anatolian Fault (NAF) and the south Marmara sub-region, NW Turkey. The south Marmara …


AE Erginal, İ Cürebal - Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü …, 2007 -
Soldere Havzasında drenaj kuruluşu ve gelişimi kaya direnci faktörü ve tektonik denetimlidir.
Drenaj kuruluşunun ilk safhasında Kuzey Anadolu Fayı'nın Bursa-Ulubat kolu havzanın …

Major strike-slip faults identified using satellite data in central Borneo, SE Asia

AA Shah, MN Zhafri, J Delson, B Navakanesh - Geosciences, 2018 -
We use freely available Google satellite data, instrumental seismicity, fault plane solutions,
and previously mapped structural and geological maps to identify new fault zones in central …

Neotectónica del sector centro-meridional de la Cuenca de Madrid

P Silva, JL Goy, C Zazo - Estudios geológicos, 1988 -
Se ha realizado una cartografía neotectónica basada fundamentalmente en el análisis y
estudio de los rasgos geomorfológicos indicadores de actividad tectónica reciente tales …

Geodynamic environment of Quaternary morphostructures of the subandean foreland basins of Peru and Bolivia: characteristics and study methods

JF Dumont, M Fournier - Quaternary International, 1994 - Elsevier
The Quaternary evolution of western Amazon basins is considered using morphostructural
analysis of fluvial belts and lakes. Meandering rivers from the basin surface are analyzed …

Denudational isostatic rebound of intraplate highlands: the Lachlan River valley, Australia

P Bishop, R Brown - Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 1992 - Wiley Online Library
A range of evidence from the Lachlan valley in the southeast Australian highlands is
consistent with Neogene isostatic rebound in response to denudational unloading. This …

[PDF][PDF] Late Quaternary evolution of the lower reaches of Ziliana stream in south Mt. Olympus (Greece)

HD Skilodimou, GD Bathrellos, H Maroukian… - Geogr. Fis. Din …, 2014 -
The Greek landscape has undergone significant morphological changes in the Quaternary.
During this period active tectonics formed the Aegean Sea and caused considerable …

Late-Quaternary geomorphic scenario due to changing depositional regimes in the Tangtse Valley, Trans-Himalaya, NW India

B Phartiyal, R Singh, GC Kothyari - Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology …, 2015 - Elsevier
Abstract Records from the Tangtse Valley in the Trans-Himalaya reveal depositional history
since 48 ka, with fluvial aggradation followed by incision, lacustrine sediment fill, and later …

Paleogeography and neotectonics of Kaniv dislocations (Ukrainian Shield, Ukraine) in the Neogene-Quaternary period

O Ivanik, V Shevchuk, L Tustanovska… - Historical …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
This article studies methods and approaches to the reconstruction of geomorphogenesis
and tectonegenesis of Kaniv dislocations (Ukrainian Crystalline Massif) during the Neogene …