The role of food, weather and climate in limiting the abundance of animals

TCR White - Biological Reviews, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
More and more studies are demonstrating that populations of animals‐from herbivores to top
predators, vertebrates and invertebrates‐are limited by their food, and that the availability of …

A review on the impacts of feral cats (Felis silvestris catus) in the Canary Islands: implications for the conservation of its endangered fauna

FM Medina, M Nogales - Biodiversity and Conservation, 2009 - Springer
Feral cats have been directly responsible for the extinction of numerous species on islands
worldwide, including endemic species of mammals, birds and reptiles. The diet of feral cats …

Reproductive responses of birds to experimental food supplementation: a meta-analysis

L Ruffino, P Salo, E Koivisto, PB Banks, E Korpimäki - Frontiers in zoology, 2014 - Springer
Introduction Food availability is an important environmental cue for animals for deciding how
much to invest in reproduction, and it ultimately affects population size. The importance of …

Genetic and phenotypic divergence in an island bird: isolation by distance, by colonization or by adaptation?

LG Spurgin, JC Illera, TH Jorgensen… - Molecular …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Discerning the relative roles of adaptive and nonadaptive processes in generating
differences among populations and species, as well as how these processes interact, is a …

Individual and demographic consequences of reduced body condition following repeated exposure to high temperatures

JL Gardner, T Amano, WJ Sutherland, M Clayton… - Ecology, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Although the lethal consequences of extreme heat are increasingly reported in the literature,
the fitness costs of exposure to sublethal high air temperatures, typically identified in the 30 …

Wing pointedness associated with migratory distance in common‐garden and comparative studies of stonechats (Saxicola torquata)

MW Baldwin, H Winkler, CL Organ… - Journal of Evolutionary …, 2010 -
Migration promotes utilization of seasonal resources, and the distance flown is associated
with specific morphologies, yet these relationships can be confounded by environmental …

Consequences of arthropod community structure for an at-risk insectivorous bird

CS Nell, R Pratt, J Burger, KL Preston, KK Treseder… - PloS one, 2023 -
Global declines in bird and arthropod abundance highlights the importance of
understanding the role of food limitation and arthropod community composition for the …

Circannual basis of geographically distinct bird schedules

B Helm, I Schwabl, E Gwinner - Journal of Experimental …, 2009 -
To anticipate seasonal change, organisms schedule their annual activities by using
calendrical cues like photoperiod. The use of cues must be fitted to local conditions because …

The physiological basis of geographic variation in rates of embryonic development within a widespread lizard species

WG Du, DA Warner, T Langkilde… - The American …, 2010 -
The duration of embryonic development (eg, egg incubation period) is a critical life-history
variable because it affects both the amount of time that an embryo is exposed to conditions …

Breeding decisions and output are correlated with both temperature and rainfall in an arid-region passerine, the sociable weaver

R Mares, C Doutrelant, M Paquet… - Royal Society …, 2017 -
Animal reproductive cycles are commonly triggered by environmental cues of favourable
breeding conditions. In arid environments, rainfall may be the most conspicuous cue, but the …