Continuous and smooth envelopes of topological algebras. Part 1

SS Akbarov - Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2017 - Springer
Since the first optical instruments were invented, an idea that the visible image of an object
under observation depends on tools of observation became commonly assumed in physics …

Stereotype Dualities in Geometry

SS Akbarov - arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.05131, 2023 -
arXiv:2311.05131v1 [math.FA] 9 Nov 2023 Page 1 arXiv:2311.05131v1 [math.FA] 9 Nov

Continuous and Smooth Envelopes of Topological Algebras. Part 2

SS Akbarov - Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2017 - Springer
Since the first optical instruments were invented, the idea that the visible image of an object
under observation depends on tools of observation became commonly assumed in physics …

On tensor fractions and tensor products in the category of stereotype spaces

SS Akbarov - arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.03370, 2020 -
We prove two identities that connect some natural tensor products in the category $\sf {LCS}
$ of locally convex spaces with the tensor products in the category $\sf {Ste} $ of stereotype …

Непрерывные и гладкие оболочки топологических алгебр. Часть 1

СС Акбаров - Итоги науки и техники. Серия «Современная …, 2017 -
Со времени изобретения первых оптических приборов в физике утвердилась идея, что
видимый образ изучаемого объекта зависит от инструментов наблюдения. Одним из …

О тензорных дробях и тензорных произведениях в категории стереотипных пространств

СС Акбаров - Математический сборник, 2022 -
ССАкбаров, “О тензорных дробях и тензорных произведениях в категории
стереотипных пространств”, Матем. сб., 213:5 (2022), 3–29; SS Akbarov, “On tensor …

De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics

L Birbrair, D Schleicher, K Wendland -
The representation theory of finite groups is now more than 100 years old. Its foundations
were laid down by Frobenius, Burnside, Schur and, later, Brauer. It was Frobenius and …

Kernels and cokernels in the category of augmented involutive stereotype algebras

SS Akbarov - Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 2020 - World Scientific
We prove several properties of kernels and cokernels in the category of augmented
involutive stereotype algebras:(1) this category has kernels and cokernels,(2) the cokernel is …

Quantum Br\{e} gman distances and categories

RP Kostecki - arXiv, 2017 -
We introduce, and investigate the properties of, the family of quantum Br\{e} gman distances,
based on embeddings into suitable vector spaces (with the reflexive noncommutative Orlicz …

Алгебра непрерывных функций как непрерывная оболочка своих подалгебр

СС Акбаров - Функциональный анализ и его приложения, 2016 -
В работах [1]–[3] автором была предложена категорная конструкция, позволяющая
рассматривать функциональные алгебры, лежащие в основаниях стандартных …