Traditional healing systems and the ethos of science

SR Quah - Social Science & Medicine, 2003 - Elsevier
This paper addresses the challenge posed to traditional Chinese medicine by the ethos of
science and explores three related assumptions. First, the ethos of traditional Chinese …

[图书][B] Medical sociology

W Cockerham - 2017 -
The most thorough major academic textbook available, this classic text presents the most
important research studies in the field. The author also integrates engaging first-person …

[图书][B] Social causes of health and disease

WC Cockerham - 2007 -
In this exciting new book, William Cockerham, a leading medical sociologist, assesses the
evidence that social factors have direct causal effects on health and many diseases. He …

[图书][B] Health

M Blaxter - 2010 -
The second edition of Mildred Blaxter's successful and highly respected book offers a
comprehensive and engaging introduction to the key debates surrounding the concept of …

A tale of two cities: community psychobehavioral surveillance and related impact on outbreak control in Hong Kong and Singapore during the severe acute respiratory …

GM Leung, S Quah, LM Ho, SY Ho… - Infection Control & …, 2004 -
Objectives: To compare the public's knowledge and perception of SARS and the extent to
which various precautionary measures were adopted in Hong Kong and Singapore. Design …

Reconsidering acculturation in dietary change research among Latino immigrants: challenging the preconditions of US migration

AD Martínez - Ethnicity & health, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Background. Dietary changes among Latino immigrants are often attributed to acculturation.
Acculturation-diet research typically assumes that migration to the US is necessary for …

Understanding influenza vaccination behaviors: a comprehensive sociocultural framework

J Ward, J Raude - Expert review of vaccines, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Despite the existence of an effective pharmaceutical means for its prevention available now
for about 70 years, influenza remains an important contributor to morbidity and mortality …

[图书][B] Mapping the sociology of health and medicine: America, Britain and Australia compared

F Collyer - 2012 -
Page 1 Mapping the Sociology Of Health and NMedicine America, Britain and Australia
Compared FRAN COLLYER Page 2 Mapping the Sociology of Health and Medicine Page 3 …

Caring for persons with schizophrenia at home: Examining the link between family caregivers' role distress and quality of life

S Quah - Sociology of health & illness, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
This article re‐examines the link between role distress and quality of life of family caregivers
of a loved one with schizophrenia by exploring the impact of role overload (defined as …

Wrestling with role strain in a pandemic: Family,'stay-at-home'directive, and the COVID-19 pandemic

SR Quah - Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 2020 -
This is an exploratory proof of concept analysis of individuals and families experiencing the
public health crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic in 16 countries around the globe. The …