Molecular Dynamics and Cheminformatics Methods to Explore the Chemical Reality

E Gandini - 2022 -
Abstract Part I: Antifreeze Peptides Organisms living in icy environments produce antifreeze
proteins to control ice growth and recrystallization. It has been proposed that these …

Investigation of Biological Systems at Low Temperatures using Molecular Simulation

DJ Kozuch - 2021 -
A major outstanding problem in the field of biological physics is to properly understand the
behavior of biological systems outside physiological conditions, especially at the molecular …

Toward Understanding Bacterial Ice Nucleation-Interface-specific nonlinear spectroscopy used to unravel the working mechanisms of bacterial ice nucleation proteins

M Lukas - 2021 -
Small droplets of pure water, as they are found in our atmosphere, can be supercooled to
temperatures close to-40 C. Above this temperature, the formation of a stable initial ice …

Rola wody solwatacyjnej w kształtowaniu aktywności białek z grupy krioprotektantów

J Grabowska - 2020 -
Białka przeciwdziałające zamarzaniu (AFP) posiadają zdolność do hamowania wzrostu
kryształów lodu powstających w płynach ustrojowych organizmów żywych narażonych na …

Interfacial Control of Growth, Recrystallization, and Agglomeration of Water Crystals by Surface Active Molecules

PM Naullage - 2020 -
Ice and gas hydrates form at similar conditions with implications for many natural
phenomena and technological applications. On the one hand, ice formation and …

Structure and Thermodynamics of Ice Interfaces in Atmospheric and Biologically Relevant Systems

A Hudait - 2018 -
The processes at the surface of ice modulate crystal growth, atmospheric and biologically
relevant adsorption of solutes, and chemical reactions. These processes are not well …