Management of inflammatory bowel diseases in older adults

S Singh, BS Boland, T Jess, AA Moore - … Lancet Gastroenterology & …, 2023 -
The burden of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in older adults (ie, aged over 60 years old)
is increasing due to a combination of an ageing population with compounding prevalence of …

Self-reported health literacy and medication adherence in older adults: a systematic review

MS Schönfeld, S Pfisterer-Heise, C Bergelt - BMJ open, 2021 -
Objectives To give an overview over the associations between self-reported health literacy
and medication adherence in older adults. Design A systematic literature review of …

Factors associated with polypharmacy and the high risk of medication-related problems among older community-dwelling adults in European countries: a longitudinal …

L Ye, J Yang-Huang, CB Franse, T Rukavina… - BMC geriatrics, 2022 - Springer
Background Polypharmacy can be defined as using five or more medications
simultaneously.“Medication-related problems”, an extension of polypharmacy, includes …

The effectiveness of family medicine-driven interprofessional collaboration on the readmission rate of older patients

R Ohta, C Sano - Healthcare, 2023 -
Interprofessional collaboration (IPC) for older patient care among family physicians, dentists,
therapists, nutritionists, nurses, and pharmacists in the rural hospital care of older patients …

Drug–drug interactions in elderly patients with potentially inappropriate medications in primary care, nursing home and hospital settings: a systematic review and a …

M Bories, G Bouzillé, M Cuggia, P Le Corre - Pharmaceutics, 2021 -
Drug–drug interactions (DDI) occurring with potentially inappropriate medications (PIM) are
additional risk factors that may increase the inappropriate character of PIM. The aim of this …

Prevalence and trends of polypharmacy in US adults, 1999–2018

X Wang, K Liu, K Shirai, C Tang, Y Hu, Y Wang… - Global Health Research …, 2023 - Springer
Background Polypharmacy is one of the most important health issues for its potential
impacts on disease burden and healthcare costs. The aim of this study was to update a …

Attitudes of older adult patients and caregivers towards deprescribing of medications in Ethiopia

DA Gadisa, ET Gebremariam, G Yimer… - … Interventions in Aging, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Background Deprescribing is essential for reducing inappropriate medication use and
polypharmacy. For a holistic approach, it is essential to know how older adult patients and …

MECDDI: clarified drug–drug interaction mechanism facilitating rational drug use and potential drug–drug interaction prediction

W Hu, W Zhang, Y Zhou, Y Luo, X Sun… - Journal of Chemical …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Drug–drug interactions (DDIs) are a major concern in clinical practice and have been
recognized as one of the key threats to public health. To address such a critical threat, many …

Barriers and enablers to deprescribing in long-term care facilities: a 'best-fit'framework synthesis of the qualitative evidence

CH Heinrich, E Hurley, S McCarthy, S McHugh… - Age and …, 2022 -
Introduction older adults are at risk of adverse outcomes due to a high prevalence of
polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs). Deprescribing interventions …

The complexities of communication at hospital discharge of older patients: a qualitative study of healthcare professionals' views

H Cam, B Wennlöf, U Gillespie, K Franzon… - BMC health services …, 2023 - Springer
Background Hospital discharge of older patients is a high-risk situation in terms of patient
safety. Due to the fragmentation of the healthcare system, communication and coordination …