
李星宇, 赵玉鹏, 赵仁育 - Pure Mathematics, 2022 - hanspub.org
设R 是交换环, C 是一个半对偶R-模, X 是一个R-模类. 引入了X-GC-投射复形的概念,
证明了复形M 是XG C-投射的当且仅当M 的每个层次上的模都是XG C-投射模, 并且对任意的CX …

Gorenstein objects in the category of -complexes

B Lu - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2021 - World Scientific
For an integer N≥ 2 and three subcategories 𝒲, 𝒳, 𝒴 of modules, we study the notion of (𝒲,
𝒳, 𝒴)-Gorenstein N-complexes. We show that under certain hypotheses, an N-complex C is …

Finiteness Criteria in Quasi-resolving Subcategories

H Zhang, X Yan - Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 2019 - Springer
Quasi-resolving subcategory, as a generalization of resolving subcategory, was introduced
in Zhu (J Algebra 414: 6–40, 2014). Let AA be an abelian category, XX a quasi-resolving …