Automated Microaneurysm Detection in Fluorescein Angiograms for Diabetic Retinopathy

P Sethi, HW Thompson - … Analysis Of The Human Eye With …, 2011 -
Prerna Sethi and Hilary W. Thompson been reported for automated MA detection using
fluorescein angiography because of the modality's increased sensitivity as MAs are best …

Érosion et transport de matière sur le versant occidental des Andes semiarides du Nord du Chili (27-32° S): d'une approche à grande échelle temporelle et spatiale …

GAA Martorell - 2010 -
La Cordillère Principale des Andes semi-arides est un relief transitoire qui se developpe
suite au soulèvement des Andes initié à l'Oligocène. L'altitude des pédiments de la …

[PDF][PDF] Multiscale Landform Characterization for Land Use Evaluation using Fuzzy Sets

AR Bock - 2010 -
Within landform taxonomies derived from geographic information systems, uncertainty exists
as a result of three primary mechanisms. First, landforms are a scale-specific phenomenon …

[引用][C] Assessment of erosion rate modifications during the Neogene incision in the Semiarid Andes (Northern Chile) using the Black Top Hat function applied to a …

[引用][C] Fluvial responses to regional tectonic and local tectonic evolution of Oxaya anticline in hyper-arid area, Arica (North Chile)

M Strub, J Darrozes, L Audin, E Maire, G Hérail…