[PDF][PDF] Can extraversion buffer against sleep deprivation's negative effect on social motivation?: An experimental study

M Thurezon - 2023 - diva-portal.org
There is a negative trend seen in society showing that people sleep too little. At the same
time, our understanding of why we sleep and what happens during sleep, has improved …

Outpatient Physical Therapists' Perceptions, Knowledge, and Barriers Towards Sleep Health

JK Venhuizen - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Purpose: This study investigated and described outpatient physical therapists'(OPTs)
perceptions, knowledge, and barriers toward the importance of sleep health in …

[PDF][PDF] Jaunų suaugusių asmenų, priklausančių LGBTIQ plius grupei, gyvensenos, depresijos simptomų ir socialinio palaikymo sąsajos

E Jasevičiūtė, V Liaugaudaitė, J Burkauskas - 2023 - lsmu.lt
Objectives of the study: 1) To determine the level of social support of LGBTIQ plus
individuals; 2) To evaluate lifestyle features of LGBTIQ plus individuals; 3) To evaluate …

Social Jetlag and its Relation to Procrastination: The Possible Moderating Role of Daytime Fatigue and Affect

KS Færevaag - 2023 - munin.uit.no
This study aimed to assess the relationship between Social Jetlag (SJL) and procrastination
among university students. SJL may occur when our biological circadian sleep clock is …

The impact of sleep deprivation on emotion recognition in new parents

LS Parsons - 2022 - etheses.bham.ac.uk
This volume consists of two papers: a meta-analysis and an empirical study. It also contains
a public dissemination document providing a summary of both papers. The aim of the …

[HTML][HTML] Doctors who sleep less have a 97% chance to make mistakes

RN Obu - Sat, 2024 - voicegambia.com
Studies suggest 7 to 9 hours as the normal sleep range. Beyond 9 hours could as
predispose you to negative health issues. This means latest by 10 pm one should go to bed …

[HTML][HTML] Exploring Students' Sleeping Awareness and Possible Causes of Falling Asleep in Class

K Pem, K Choden, C Wangmo, T Gyeltshen… - Open Access Library …, 2023 - scirp.org
The purpose of this survey was to identify whether students of Taktse Central School get
adequate sleep or not, which has a direct impact on the academic achievement of the …

Exploration du rôle modérateur des dimensions du perfectionnisme sur la relation entre le sommeil et la performance scolaire et sportive chez des jeunes fréquentant …

J Roy - 2022 - di.uqo.ca
Le sommeil serait étroitement associé à la performance sportive et scolaire. D'une part, il
serait lié à la récupération des athlètes et influencerait plusieurs éléments de la …

Lasten ja nuorten liikunta-aktiivisuuden yhteydet unen määrään ja laatuun

P Somerkoski - 2021 - jyx.jyu.fi
Vähäinen liikunta-aktiivisuus ja riittämätön uni ovat lasten ja nuorten terveysriskejä. Tämän
pro gradu-tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää suomalaisten 5.-, 7.-ja 9.-luokkalaisten …

Effect of Acute Sleep Deprivation on Cognition and Emotion: an Updated Review

Z MAI, H XU, N MA - Chinese General Practice, 2021 - chinagp.net
Acute sleep deprivation (ASD) can induce adverse changes in cognitive and emotional
function, including attention, working memory, inhibition control, emotional discrimination …