[PDF][PDF] Research Article 16S rRNA Long-Read Sequencing of the Granulation Tissue from Nonsmokers and Smokers-Severe Chronic Periodontitis Patients

R Chowdhry, N Singh, DK Sahu, RK Tripathi, A Mishra… - 2018 - academia.edu
Smoking has been associated with increased risk of periodontitis. The aim of the present
study was to compare the periodontal disease severity among smokers and nonsmokers …

[DOC][DOC] Aggressive periodontitis patients defined by recursive partitioning analysis of immunologic factors.

G Papantonopoulos, K Takahashi, T Bountis, BG Loos… - researchgate.net
Background: The present study aims to extend recent findings of a nonlinear model of the
progression of periodontitis, supporting the notion that aggressive periodontitis (AgP) and …

Способ определения степени гноетечения на пародонте по уровню мРНК гена интерлейкина-8 (IL-8) человека

ОА Зорина, НК Аймадинова, АВ Шибаева… - 2017 - elibrary.ru
Изобретение относится к области медицины, стоматологии, молекулярной биологии и
клинико-лабораторной диагностики. Описан способ определения выраженности …

Способ оценки защитной эффективности работы неспецифического иммунитета на поверхности пародонта на основе полимеразной цепной реакции в …

ОА Зорина, НК Аймадинова, АВ Шибаева… - 2017 - elibrary.ru
Настоящее изобретение относится к медицине. Предложен способ диагностики
локального иммунного статуса пародонта. Предложенный способ включает измерение …

[图书][B] The clinical, microbiological and systemic characteristics of periodontitis and their changes after periodontal therapy

S Bizzarro - 2015 - dare.uva.nl
Aim: to compare the results of two targeted techniques to an open-ended technique in
periodontitis patients, differentiated on the basis of smoking habit. Materials and methods …

The role of B cells in periodontitis

J Oliver-Bell - 2015 - theses.gla.ac.uk
Introduction: Varying degrees of periodontal disease affect the majority of the population.
Severe forms of periodontitis have a considerable impact on oral health and quality of life …

[PDF][PDF] Using Cellular Automata Experiments to Model Periodontitis: A First Step Towards Understanding the Nonlinear Dynamics of the

G Papantonopoulos, K Takahashi, T Bountis, BG Loos - academia.edu
The inability of innate and adaptive host responses to impede the infectious process of
periodontitis, has long been recognized and addressed as a characteristic of the disease …

[PDF][PDF] Detección de herpesvirus y bacterias periodontopatógenas en muestras de fluido crevicular gingival y saliva en periodontitis crónica

AH Sánchez - 2015 - core.ac.uk
En los últimos 15 años, se ha sugerido que ciertos herpesvirus, en particular, el
citomegalovirus (CMV) y el virus de Epstein-Barr (VEB), podrían tener cierto papel en el …

Sigara içen ve içmeyen kronik periodontitisli bireylerde cerrahisiz periodontal tedaviye ek olarak diyod lazer ile dekontaminasyon işleminin klinik parametreler ve …

B Kılınç - 2015 - acikerisim.selcuk.edu.tr
Özet Bu çalışmanın amacı, sigara içen ve içmeyen kronik periodontitis hastalarında cerrahi
olmayan periodontal tedaviye ek olarak diyod lazer kullanımının, hastaların klinik …

Avaliação dos efeitos do laser Er, Cr: YSGG em defeitos ósseos críticos e no tratamento de doença periodontal induzida em ratos submetidos a inalção de fumaça de …

C Pavone - 2014 - repositorio.unesp.br
A minha amada mãe, Carmen Pavone! Agradecer nunca será o suficiente ou o bastante
para mostrar todo o amor que sinto por você. É sem dúvida a maior bênção da minha vida …